Current Activities (July ― September 2022)
- About Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
- Top Global Health Policy Think Tanks 2020
- AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance
- NCDs: Non-Communicable Diseases
- Dementia
- Vaccinations
- Mental Health
- Global Health
- Planetary Health
- Other Activities
- Lectures and Media Coverage
- Advocacy Activities to Encourage the Adoption of the Recommendations in Our Policy Proposals
- Providing Professional Expertise
About Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
Non-profit, Independent, and Global
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) is a Tokyo-based independent and non-profit health policy think tank, established in 2004.
Since establishment, HGPI has pursued its mission of “Achieving citizen-centered health policies by bringing broad stakeholders together in its capacity as an independent think-tank to generate policy options for the public.” One of the Institute’s guiding principles in activities for this mission is to hold fast to its independence without adhering to the interests of any political party or organization. HGPI will continue to maintain political neutrality and independence from any organization in conducting its activities.
Top Global Health Policy Think Tanks 2020
Ranked Third in the World Among Global Health Policy Think Tanks
HGPI was ranked third among global health policy think tanks worldwide in University of Pennsylvania’s 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, published in January 2021. HGPI has been included in the ranking for twelve consecutive years, placing it among leading policy organizations.
“HGPI’s ranking is the result of its independence, the diversity of its funding sources, and its commitment to working globally by publishing all of its work in both English and Japanese. Encouraged by these results, we will double our efforts to continue to have a positive impact on society as a think tank specializing in health policy.” –HGPI Chairman Kiyoshi Kurokawa
“Especially during the pandemic, our work to advocate for citizens, patients, and healthcare workers is of the utmost importance. Now, more than ever, the world needs open and fair discussions on health policy. We will continue to foster such discussions, toward the creation of better policy ideas developed out of the combined knowledge of diverse stakeholders from the public and private sectors.” –HGPI CEO and Board Member Ryoji Noritake
AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance
AMR Alliance Japan
Established in November 2018 by academic societies working in infectious disease medicine, pharmaceutical companies, and medical device makers, AMR Alliance Japan is an independent platform for the promotion of multisector discussion on AMR countermeasures. The Alliance develops and disseminates policy recommendations to: (1) ensure that AMR countermeasures are in line with the current situation of patients and healthcare settings; (2) promote the national and international AMR agenda; and (3) advance Japan’s AMR policy.
The 49th Special Breakfast Meeting
Push and Pull Incentives to Address Antimicrobial Resistance
– The Experience of CARB-X and the potential for Public-Private Partnerships in Global Health
We hosted Professor Kevin Outterson, Executive Director at CARB-X. During this session, Professor Outterson shared his experiences and discussed his views on push and pull incentives to promote AMR measures, the usefulness of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in global health, and expectations for Japan as the G7 host country in 2023.
Achieving Collaboration Among Hospitals and Clinics within AMR Countermeasures for Antimicrobial Stewardship -Facilitating collaboration that is based on data-
Based on trends in Japan to encourage proper antimicrobial use and to track the volumes of antimicrobials used, AMR Alliance Japan hosted a public symposium on promoting appropriate antimicrobial use based on surveillance data. There, we held multi-stakeholder discussions on effectively using surveillance data that is gathered to encourage proper antimicrobial use, necessary initiatives from outpatient healthcare facilities and clinics, and the roles of major hospitals in the future.
Denmark-Japan Expert Roundtable
Combating Together against Silent Pandemic: AMR
Mr. Magnus Heunicke, Health Minister of Denmark, and Mr. Eiji Hinoshita, Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan, participated in a lively discussion among multi-stakeholder groups from the industry, government, academia, and the private sector.
- Magnus Heunicke (Health Minister, Denmark)
- Eiji Hinoshita (Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Japan)
- Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen (President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Novo Nordisk)
- Naoko Katagiri (Senior Marketing Manager, Ambu)
- Norio Ohmagari (Director, Disease Control and Prevention Center; Director, AMR Clinical Reference Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine Hospital Japan (NCGM))
- Takuko Sawada (Director and Vice Chairperson of the Board, Shionogi & Co., Ltd.)
- Robert Skov (Scientific Director, International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance (ICARS))
- Motoyuki Sugai (Director, Antimicrobial Resistance Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID))
- Tetsuji Umeno (Director, Primary Care Business Development, HUP Business, Sysmex Corporation)
- Henrik Ullum (Chief Executive Officer at Statens Serum Institut (SSI))
- Akihiko Fujie (Senior Science Coordinator, Division of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Department of Innovative Drug Discovery and Development, East Japan Office, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED))
- John Paul Pullicino (Vice President, Developed Asia and General Manager Japan, Pfizer Hospital Business, Pfizer Japan Inc.)
HGPI Special Seminar
Universal Health Coverage in an Era of Antimicrobial Resistance
The HGPI Special Seminar brought together guests to discuss the connections between Universal Health Coverage, Global Health Security, and Antimicrobial Resistance. Global perspectives on their interconnectedness, including the inclusion of measures for AMR in international instruments for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response currently under negotiation, will be discussed. Examples from Asia and Europe on addressing AMR and other global health issues using national health systems were introduced.
- Toru Morikawa (Executive Director, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF))
- Riko Kimoto (Manager for International Public Health, Governance & Sustainable Development Department, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF))
- Nick Crabb (Programme Director – Scientific Affairs, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE))
- Eiji Hinoshita (Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
The AMR Consortium of the Nikkei FT Communicable Diseases Conference Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)
The Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC) was jointly hosted by Nikkei Inc. and AMR Alliance Japan. The two basic pillars of the AMIC AMR, “Considering Specific Pull Incentives and Measures” and “Promoting Understanding of AMR Among Healthcare Professionals and the General Public,” were discussed by working groups.
Recommendations for the G7 Hiroshima Summit in 2023 Necessary Actions for AMR Control, Starting with the Introduction of Pull Incentives
AMIC AMR Consortium recommends that in its role as the host country, Japan should address AMR as a key agenda item in discussions at the G7 Hiroshima Summit in 2023 and at each ministerial meeting.
Research Report
Survey to Identify Key Messages for Public Understanding of the Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
In order to support future educational and awareness-raising activities, this survey analyzed the targets, methods, and characteristics of the messages being communicated about AMR.
Key Findings
- Messaging can improve awareness among groups who were previously uninterested
- Younger people respond to data, while older people focus on personal impact
- There are three messages all generations viewed as important.
(1) Global number of deaths (2) Depletion of therapeutics (3) Impact on elderly people- It is important that media used to communicate medical information (information sources) feature explanations from healthcare professionals
- Interest in AMR in the environment increased with age
- Respondents who felt that information on AMR in animals and food is important tended to have high interest in AMR in the environment
The Seventh Meeting
Participants discussed initiatives for the upcoming 2023 G7 Summit in Hiroshima and awareness building and educational support activities for AMR.
NCDs: Non-Communicable Diseases
NCD Alliance Japan
NCD Alliance Japan is a collaborative platform for civil society organizations in the NCD community steered by the Health and Global Policy Institute. Its aim is to further promote comprehensive, cross-cutting NCD policies.
Since 2013, NCD Alliance Japan has served as Japan’s point-of-contact for the NCD Alliance, which brings together over 2,000 civil society organizations and academic institutions in more than 170 countries. NCD Alliance Japan was officially recognized as a full member of the NCD Alliance in January 2019.
The Chronic Disease Control Project Advisory Board Meeting
Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizens, and Communities for Obesity Prevention
HGPI’s Chronic Disease Control Project is advancing an initiative titled, “Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizens, and Communities for Obesity Prevention” as part of its FY2022 activities. At this advisory board meeting, we held a discussion with multi-stakeholders representing industry, Government, academia, and civil society to identify challenges that are likely to emerge when advancing obesity prevention measures, to outline potential next steps, and to examine various items including identifying needs regarding healthcare interventions, establishing social support, improving lifestyles for individuals, and promoting research.
The Chronic Disease Control Project Advisory Board Members
- Kyoko Ama (Representative, Children and Healthcare Project)
- Yuko Oguma (Associate Professor, Sports Medicine Research Center, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University)
- Iwao Kurose (Executive Director, Japan Medical Association)
- Naoki Kondo (Professor, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University)
- Ichiro Tatsuno (Chairman, Japanese Society for Treatment of Obesity; President, Chiba Prefectural University Of Health Sciences)
- Shoichiro Tsugane (President, National Institute of Health and Nutrition, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition)
- Koutaro Yokote (President, Japan Society for the Study of Obesity; Director General, Chiba University Hospital)
Health Service Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
The Project for Considering the Future of Precision Medicine with Industry, Government, Academia, and Civil Society Policy Recommendations
Furthering the Development of Precision Cancer Medicine —Proposals for Effective Policy Changes Based on Key Characteristics of Precision Medicine in Cancer Treatment
HGPI kicked off an initiative called the “Project for Considering the Future of Precision Medicine with Industry, Government, Academia, and Civil Society” in FY2021. The recommendations offered in this document are based on repeated discussions we have held with various experts in this area as part of that initiative.
■Executive Summary
In particular, “precision medicine” is high expected to play a critical role in cancer treatment in the future. This field, sometimes referred to as precision cancer medicine, is a form of treatment tailored to individuals based on the genetic mutations and other characteristics of their cancer.
To further develop precision cancer medicine, it will be necessary to overcome policy issues in various areas including: (i) access to medical care, (ii) human resource development, (iii) research and development, (iv) regulatory approval and health insurance coverage, and (v) patient support.
Although many of these issues are shared among various forms of cancer medicine, precision cancer medicine has the following three key characteristics which further complicate efforts to address them, namely:
(a) the number of medical indications for its use are still quite limited
(b) it involves the use of genetic information
(c) the costs of testing and treatment are often expensiveAs such, attempts to address the policy issues mentioned above will be more effective if they have a firm basis in these key characteristics.
Based on a recognition of this issue, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) offers the following recommendations to promote the development of precision cancer medicine
Recommendation I: To effectively allocate human resources and aggregate knowledge, a “hub-and spokes” network should be developed across all areas, including (i) healthcare delivery systems, (ii) human resources, (iii) research and clinical trials, and (iv) patient support measures. When doing so, proactive steps to adopt information and communication technology (ICT), including the use of online services, should be taken to streamline the aggregation of information and medical resources.
Recommendation II: While establishing data repositories for genetic information, legislation prohibiting discrimination based on genetic information should be enacted and public awareness activities should be conducted.
Recommendation III: Regulatory approval, health insurance coverage, and other conditions governing the use of precision cancer medicine should be revised to be made more scientific and rational in a manner that complements the key characteristics of precision cancer medicine and practical needs in clinical settings.
The Project for Considering the Future of Precision Medicine with Industry, Government, Academia, and Civil Society Policy Advisory Board Members
Reiko Akizuki (Director, Oncology Department, Medical Affairs Division, Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.)
Kosuke Iijima (Head, Foundation Medicine Business Department, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
Ataru Igarashi (Associate Professor, Unit of Public health and Preventive Medicine, Yokohama City University School of Medicine)
Mitsuho Imai (Project Assistant Professor, Shinanomachi Cancer Center, School of Medicine, Keio University)
Hiroji Iwata (Vice Director and Chief, Department of Breast Oncology, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital)
Sotaro Enatsu (General Manager, Oncology Business Unit, Research and Development and Medical Affairs, Eli Lilly Japan K.K.)
Atsushi Otsu (Director, National Cancer Center Hospital East)
Tomohiro Kuroda (Professor, Division of Medical Information Technology and Administration Planning, Kyoto University Hospital)
Shinji Kosugi (Professor, Medical Ethics and Medical Genetics, Department of Social Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University)
Naomi Sakurai (President, Cancer Solutions Co., Ltd)
Chizuko Sakashita (Project Assistant Professor, Hematology, Advanced Therapeutic Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Kuniko Sunami (Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Cancer Center Hospital)
Junpei Soeda (Head, Japan Medical Affairs, Japan Oncology Business Unit, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)
Yusuke Tsugawa (Associate Professor, David Geffen School of Medicine (Internal Medicine), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); Associate Professor, Health Policy and November 2022 Health and Global Policy Institute 30 Management; Faculty Associate, UCLA Center For Health Policy)
Mamoru Narukawa (Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine (Pharmaceutical Medicine), Kitasato University School of Pharmacy)
Kazuo Hasegawa (Representative, NPO Lung Cancer Patient Network One Step)
Yoshiyuki Majima (Chairman, NPO PanCAN Japan)
Tetsuya Mitsudomi (Professor/Senior Staff, Division of Thoracic Surgery, School of Medicine, Kindai University)
Kaori Muto (Professor, Department of Public Policy, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)
Takayuki Yoshino (Director, Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East)
The HGPI Platform Project for Patient and Public Involvement Policy Recommendations
Further Promoting Patient and Public Involvement in the Policy-Making Process Steps for Achieving Healthcare Policies That Are Truly Centered on Patients and Citizens
The policy recommendations were compiled by the secretariat at HGPI with the aim of further promoting PPI in health policy and are based on discussions held at our advisory board meetings and individual hearings conducted for this project in FY2021 as well as on past HGPI activities.
■Executive Summary
Perspective 1: Establishing an environment for PPI
- Discover and educate patient advocate leaders on a continuous basis and provide support for their activities to prevent the burdens of that role from becoming concentrated on certain individuals
- Secure educational opportunities to provide the necessary knowledge and grounding while promoting PPI in the policy-making process
- Create opportunities for patient advocacy organizations from different disease areas to collaborate and interact
- Refer to activities undertaken for PPI in fields of policy other than health policy, and adopt and disseminate practices found to be more effective
Perspective 2: Participation in the policy-making process
- Utilize opportunities for expressing diverse opinions to build recognition of issues among a greater number of patients and citizens
- Make the necessary considerations to ensure patients and citizens with insufficient specialized knowledge can participate in discussions
- Patient and citizen committee members who join discussions must channel society-wide issues in addition to communicating their own issues, and organize and communicate those issues in a manner other stakeholders can understand
Perspective 3: Following up on policy implementation
- Continue working to ensure policies are implemented in the intended manner after they are finalized
- Patients and citizens must be actively involved in policy assessment to further improve policies
The Platform Project for Patient and Public Involvement Advisory Board Members
- Kyoko Ama (Representative, Children and Healthcare Project; Fellow, HGPI)
Shinsuke Amano (Chair, The Japan Federation of Cancer Patient Groups; CEO, Group Nexus Japan)
Yoshiko Kobata (Director, CSR Promotion Office, General Affairs Bureau, Fuji Television Network, Inc.)
Naomi Sakurai (President, Cancer Solutions Co., Ltd.)
Yasuhiro Sensho (CEO, SENSHO-GUMI, Co., Ltd.; Former Director-General, MHLW)
Teppei Maeda (Lawyer, Maeda & Unosawa Law Offices; Representative, Medical Basic Act Community)
Kaori Muto (Professor, Department of Public Policy Studies, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo)
Ikuko Yamaguchi (Chief Director, Consumer Organization for Medicine and Law (COML))Special Advisor
- Yuji Inokuchi (Vice-President, Japan Medical Association)
Urgent Recommendations
Enact the Basic Act for Dementia to Reshape Perceptions of Dementia
Due to various circumstances including the COVID-19 pandemic, discussions have yet to conclude on the Basic Act on Dementia which was submitted to the Diet by representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito in 2019. In 2021, a bipartisan Diet caucus called the Parliamentary Association for Promoting Dementia Policies for an Inclusive Society was established and discussions on the Basic Act on Dementia have now resumed. Expectations for progress in those discussions are high. In July 2022, HGPI presented policy recommendations titled, “The Future of Dementia Policy 2022: Deepening Dementia Policies Centered on People Living with Dementia and their Families to Lead Global Society” that also call for the rapid enactment of the Basic Act on Dementia ahead of the G7 Hiroshima Summit in 2023. These urgent recommendations call for concrete discussions on revising the Basic Act on Dementia and ensuring it is enacted during the next ordinary session of the Diet in 2023.
■Executive Summary
Recommendation 1: The Basic Act for Dementia should be centered on inclusion
1-1: Rather than “prevention,” the stated obligation of citizens should be to “Participate and cooperate in building an inclusive society”
1-2: “Early detection, diagnosis, and response” and “Establishing consultation systems” should be clearly stated as integral parts of the Basic Act for DementiaRecommendation 2: The Basic Act for Dementia should encourage proactive participation from people living with dementia and their families
2-1: Make clear mention of the establishment of a “Committee for the Promotion of Dementia Policies” (tentative name) that includes affected parties among its members
2-2: Mention that there will be “collaboration with people living with dementia, their families, and similar parties” during policy formation, implementation, and assessment
2-3: Clearly state the need for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in R&DRecommendation 3: The Basic Act for Dementia should reflect the paradigm shift occurring due to advances in R&D
3-1: Clearly state the need for early diagnosis and health equity in health, medicine, and welfare services that look toward implementing the use of new preventive, diagnostic, and treatment technologies in society
The First Roundtable Discussion
Establishing a Multi-Stakeholder Public-Private Partnership in the Field of Dementia – Driving Parallel Progress on an Inclusive Society and in R&D
After a preliminary survey of members from academia was conducted and issues were sorted, this roundtable discussion examined issues and next steps to be taken with three discussion points as themes:
Discussion point 1: Policy issues surrounding R&D and the direction to take moving forward
Discussion point 2: Challenges facing Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in dementia research
Discussion point 3: Issues surrounding R&D programs
Roundtable Discussion Members
- Haruhiko Akiyama (Director of Clinical Research, Department of Clinical Research, Yokohama Municipal Stroke and Neurospine Center)
- Takeshi Ikeuchi (Professor, Center for Bioresource-based Researches, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University)
- Kenji Ishii (Team Leader, Research Team for Neuroimaging, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology)
- Takeshi Iwatsubo (Professor, Department of Basic Neuroscience, Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo; Director, Unit for Early and Exploratory Clinical Development, The University of Tokyo Hospital)
- Hidetaka Ota (Professor and Director, Advanced Research Center for Geriatric and Gerontology, Akita University (ARGG))
- Tomoo Ogawa (Director, Department of Clinical Research and Development, Japan-Asia, Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Health, Eisai Co., Ltd.)
- Hideaki Katagiri (Medical Fellow and Lead Physician, Neuroscience & Pain, Medicine Development Unit Japan and Medical Affairs, Eli Lilly Japan K.K.)
- Naomi Sakurai (President, Cancer Solutions Co., Ltd.)
- Keisuke Suzuki (Director, Innovation Center for Translational Research, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)
- Morio Suzuki (Representative Director, Alzheimer’s Association Japan (AAJ))
- Taro Semba (Director, Dementia Project Promotion Office, SOMPO Holdings, Inc.)
- Toshihisa Tanaka (Professor, Department of Neuromuscular Pathology, Mie University)
- Taisuke Tomita (Professor, Laboratory of Neuropathology & Neuroscience, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
- Jin Higashijima (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global and Transdisciplinary Studies, Chiba University)
- Masaaki Hirai (Representative, Mahoroba Club)
Public Symposium
Current Issues and Future Prospects for Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH) Measures – Focusing on a Form of Dementia that Improves with Treatment
This symposium gathered multi-stakeholders including related healthcare and long-term care professionals, academia, Government representatives, and people living with iNPH. Together, we deepened discussions on current issues in this area and necessary measures for addressing them.
- Hiroaki Kazui (Professor, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kochi Medical School; Chairman, The Japanese Society of NPH)
- Michiyo Goto (Person living with iNPH)
- Chifumi Iseki (Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine III, Faculty of Medicine, Yamagata University)
- Kazunari Ishii (Department Head, Diagnostic Radiology Division, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kindai University)
- Madoka Nakajima (Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Juntendo University)
- Shigeki Yamada (Hospital Lecturer, Department of Neurosurgery, Shiga University of Medical Science)
- Syouzo Ohkouchi (Chief Long-Term Care Support Specialist, Care Plan Naruko; Care Creator)
- Tatsuhiro Maeda (Assistant Director, Maeda Hospital, Yamamoto-Maeda Memorial Association; Director, Tokyo Metropolitan Cooperative Community Medical Center for Dementia; Director, NPH Center, Maeda Hospital)
- Ken Nagata (Managing Director, Clinical Research Institute, Yokohama General Hospital; Director, Yokohama City Medical Center for Dementia)
- Aki Nakanishi (Deputy Director, Technical Officer (Medical Science), Division of Dementia Policy and Community-Based Long-Term Care Promotion, Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW))
- Seishi Kumano (Member, House of Councillors; Secretary, Parliamentary Association for Promoting Dementia Policies for an Inclusive Society)
The Future of Dementia Policy 2022: Deepening Dementia Policies Centered on People Living with Dementia and their Families to Lead Global Society
It will soon be a decade since the G8 Dementia Summit, and the 2023 G7 Summit will be held in Japan. Given this opportunity, HGPI has developed the following policy recommendations based on knowledge gained over many years of Dementia Policy Project activities to indicate the direction for Japan to take to further strengthen dementia policy in the global community.
■Executive Summary
Perspective 1: The Social Environment
- Transition from “Understanding, watching over, and providing support” to “Coexisting and co-creating with people living with dementia”
- Go beyond the healthcare, long-term care, and welfare sectors to co-create a dementia-friendly society with people living with or affected by dementia and retailers, public transport organizations, and other companies
- Provide support to energize activities from civil society starting with patient advocate organizations and train patient advocate leaders at the community level
Perspective 2: Care
- Expand evidence-based risk reduction initiatives for dementia risk factors
- Promote practices for early detection and diagnosis that are based on the needs of people with dementia
- Consider evaluation indicators for care quality and degree of specialty and the ideal evaluation system so the value and importance of long-term dementia caregivers and other forms of care work is communicated throughout society
Perspective 3: Research
- Secure continuous funding and drive medium- to long-term development in domestic dementia research
- Utilize real-world data (RWD) and promote global joint studies and data-sharing
- Construct an R&D platform that facilitates citizen participation
- Establish evaluation criteria that encompass user perspectives for products and services that support the daily lives of people with dementia to create a market for dementia-friendly products and services
Perspective 4: Political leadership
- Make dementia a central agenda at the 2023 G7 Summit in Japan
- Enact the Basic Act for Dementia as soon as possible
- Promote public understanding toward reforms that distribute burdens to stabilize social security finances
- Bolster community development through regulations for dementia from local governments
In June 2021, the Immunization and Vaccination Policy Promotion Project published “A Life Course Approach to Immunization and Vaccination Policy – Five Perspectives and Recommended Actions.” In 2022, the project is further deepening the discussion in this field and publishing policy recommendations by exchanging views with more stakeholders in line with these five perspectives; life course approach, communication, information, engagement, and R&D.
Special Advisors
- Keizo Takemi (Member, House of Councilors; Chairperson, Association for the Promotion of Improved Public Health through Vaccinations, Parliamentary Group for Vaccines and Prevention)
- Noriko Furuya (Member, House of Representatives; Acting Chairperson, Association for the Promotion of Improved Public Health through Vaccinations, Parliamentary Group for Vaccines and Prevention)
Working Group 2 “Communication” Recommendations
Recommendations on Structuring Communication Strategies for Better Understanding of Immunization and Vaccination Policy
Through these recommendations, we hope that Japan’s immunization and vaccine policies will be promoted, that discussions will expand in within the industry, government, academia and civil society.
Working Group 2 “Communication” Members
- Kyoko Ama (Representative, Children and Healthcare Project)
- Mamoru Ichikawa (Visiting Scholar, Stanford University; Representative, Association of Medical Journalism; Visiting Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Hiroshima University; Manager of Fund Development and Public Policy, READYFOR, Inc.)
- Yuko Umeyama (Governance & Operational Excellence Department, Global Vaccine Business Unit, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)
- Takahiro Kinoshita (Vice Representative, Minpapi! Let’s Learn About HPV Project; Vice Representative, CoV-Navi)
- Tomoko Koike (Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care/Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University)
- Aya Saitoh (Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Niigata University)
- Mikihito Tanaka (Professor, Journalism Course, Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University; Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University)
- Makiko Nakatani (Secretariat, KNOW VPD! Protect Our Children)
Working Group 4 “Multi-Stakeholder Engagement” Recommendations
Recommendations for Reinforcing Stakeholder Cooperation to Advance Immunization and Vaccination Policy
Through these recommendations, we hope that Japan’s immunization and vaccine policies will be promoted, that discussions will expand in within the industry, government, academia and civil society.
Working Group 4 “Multi-Stakeholder Engagement” Members
- Kyoko Ama (Representative, Children and Healthcare Project)
- Nobuhiko Okabe (Director, Kawasaki Institute for Health and Safety Research Institute)
- Kayo Kani (Co-representative, The Hand in Hand Committee for the Elimination of Rubella)
- Akihiko Saitoh (Professor, Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Niigata University; Vice Dean, School of Medicine, Niigata University)
- Yasuhiro Suzuki (Vice President, International University of Health and Welfare; Former Chief Medical and Global Health Officer, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
- Asako Nakai (Secretariat, KNOW VPD! Protect Our Children)
- Yoko Fujimoto (Member of the Board and Operating Officer, Vaccines Lead, Pfizer Japan Inc.)
- Hiroyuki Moriuchi (Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University; Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University)
Working Group 1 “Life Course Approach” Recommendations
Recommendations for Better Immunization and Vaccine Use Along the Individual Life Course for All Ages, Occupations, and Lifestyles
Through these recommendations, we hope that Japan’s immunization and vaccine policies will be promoted, that discussions will expand in within the industry, government, academia and civil society to establish a system that protects the health, safety, and socioeconomic activities of citizens from vaccine preventable diseases (VPD), and that specific measures will be put into practice.
Working Group 1 “Life Course Approach” Members
- Kyoko Ama(Representative, Children and Healthcare Project)
- Hidenori Arai(President, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology; Vice President, The Japan Geriatrics Society)
- Kanako Inaba(Director, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kanto Central Hospital; Representative, Minpapi! Let’s Learn About HPV Project; Member, Corowakun Supporters)
- Satoshi Iwata (Director, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Cancer Center Hospital; Visiting Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Keio University School of Medicine; Chairperson, The Expert Council on Promotion of Vaccination)
- Kazunori Oishi (Chief, Toyama Institute of Health; Honorary Member, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
- Yoko Katakura (Director, Policy and Public Affairs Department, Policy and Public Affairs Division, Pfizer Japan Inc.)
- Hideaki Nagai (Director, Department of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo National Hospital, National Hospital Organization)
- Daisuke Watanabe (Professor, Department of Dermatology, Aichi Medical University)
Working Group 3 “Information Systems” Recommendations
Recommendations on the Development of Information Infrastructure and System Maintenance for Long-Term Safety Assessment of Immunizations and Vaccines
Through these recommendations, we hope that the safety evaluation of immunizations and vaccines will act as a safety net in immunization and vaccine policy, that discussions will expand in within the industry, government, academia and civil society to systematically promote the establishment of a system for safety evaluation, and that specific measures will be put into practice so that immunization and vaccine policies can create a mutual circle of benefit between individuals and society.
Working Group 3 “Information Systems” Members
- Mugen Ujie (Chief of Travel Clinic / Director of Vaccination Support Center)
- Hisashi Urushihara (Professor, Division of Drug Development and Regulatory Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University)
- Mizuho Oyama (Deputy Director, Planning and Finance Department and Chief Digital Office (CDO), Digital Strategy Office, Toda City; Advisor on Regional Informatization, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
- Satoshi Kamidani (Physician, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases & Vaccine and Treatment and Evaluation Units, Emory University; Visiting Scholar, Immunization Safety Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))
- Akinori Sugaya (Head Physician, Sugaya Children’s Clinic; Director, KNOW VPD Protect Our Children)
- Keiko Tanaka-Taya (Director, Immunization Group, Center for Surveillance, Immunization, and Epidemiologic Research, National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
The 106th HGPI Seminar
The Construction of COVID-19 Vaccination Management Systems and Information Sharing in the Future
We hosted Mr. Mizuho Oyama, Deputy Director of the Planning and Finance Department and Director of the Digital Strategy Office (CDO) of Toda City and Regional Informatization Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Toda City was one of the first cities that established an advanced vaccination information system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key Points of the Lecture
- To facilitate the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, the Digital Agency built a system for registering vaccinations on a national scale called the Vaccination Record System (VRS). The VRS allows each municipality to register vaccination information in near real-time. However, it does not offer the feature to record adverse effects.
- When Toda City was notified of the development of the VRS, it developed the Toda City COVID-19 Vaccination Record Linkage System (T-SYS) in February 2021. T-SYS is linked to the VRS and Toda City’s vaccination reservation system and can be used to register vaccination information for new residents, provide unvaccinated people with notifications recommending vaccinations, and electronically process early vaccination applications for people with underlying conditions. T-SYS is also being used to gather and visualize vaccination status in a tool called the “Vaccine Meter.” Furthermore, Toda City is engaged in an initiative to supplement the functions of VRS using T-SYS by converting lot release information for COVID-19 vaccines into open data.
- Efforts are now advancing to convert vaccination ledgers using the My Number system and stored on the information-sharing network system into databases and to link information for vaccines other than the COVID-19 vaccine. While there is a gap of about four months between when a vaccine is administered and when the information is linked, future plans are in place to also link municipal health examination records and other such records based on the Health Promotion Act.
- While efforts to establish a foundation for information linkage are currently underway, during the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, the landscape was cluttered with multiple systems including the VRS, the Vaccination Facilitation System (V-SYS), and the Health Center Real-time Information-sharing System on COVID-19 (HER-SYS), as well as by different tracking methods such as linked IDs or My Number, electronic certificate serial numbers, and codes assigned by each institution. It will be important to establish a framework for appropriately linking information using tools like the Digital Agency’s newly-released Government Interoperability Framework (GIF).
Mental Health
Examines Best Direction for Promoting Effective Technology Use from the Perspectives of Those Most Affected in First Roundtable
Policy Issues and Next Steps for Better Mental Health Through Mental Healthtech
This roundtable discussion focused on the topic of mental healthtech for self-care and health promotion. We joined people affected by mental health issues; representatives of academia and industry, who are responsible for developing technology and building evidence; Government representatives; and other multi-stakeholders to examine current issues and necessary measures from the following perspectives:
– How can people choose the mental healthtech that they need?
– What should people do when they require treatment?
– What evidence will be required of mental healthtech?
– Who will bear the cost of prevention and health promotion?
Roundtable Discussion Participants
- Yasushi Ochiai (Development Planning Officer, Frontier Business Office, Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd.)
- Kensuke Kaneko (Representative Director and Managing Executive Officer, KANEKOSHOBO)
- Hironori Kuga (Director, National Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Research, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
- Keigo Kobayashi (Person Living With a Mental Disorder)
- Tomoya Koyama (Deputy Director, Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI))
- Daiki Takegawa (Chief Operations Officer and Representative Director, emol Co. Ltd.)
- Yoshitake Takebayashi (Associate Professor, Department of Health Risk Communication, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University)
- Shingo Hayashi (Person Living With a Mental Disorder; Representative Director, Beta Trip Co. Ltd.)
- Takashi Mihara (Head Researcher, NLI Research Institute)
- Masako Mizumachi (Attorney at Law, Miyauchi & Mizumachi IT Law Firm)
The Public Opinion Survey on Mental Health
Almost 30% of Respondents have nobody to talk to during times of mental distress
HGPI has presented the results of a public opinion survey on mental health. The survey was conducted in March 2022 among 1,000 people selected by region, age, and sex in ratios in that correspond to the demographics of the total population of Japan.
Key Findings of the Survey
- Over half selected “a family member or relative,” almost one-third (30%) said they have nobody to go to for support.
- When asked about their social interactions outside of communities like the home, school, and the workplace, over 70% of respondents said they either had no such interactions or that the COVID-19 pandemic prevented them from maintaining connections with others.
Global Health
2022.02.10 ― 09.14
Global Health Education Program (G-HEP) 2021-2022
Final Presentations and Program Conclusion
HGPI and the Faculty of Public Health at Mahidol University concluded the Global Health Education Program (G-HEP) 2021-2022. The program which took place over 1.5 years, aimed to foster global health human resources among young professionals with the theme “Solving Health Issues for COVID-19 and Urban Migration”.
The Public Opinion Survey on Global Health
1/5 respondents said ODA contributions should be increased
HGPI has presented the results of its public opinion survey on global health. It was conducted among 1,000 people in March, 2022, with participants being selected by age, sex, and region in ratios in that correspond to the demographics of Japan’s total population.
Key Findings of the Survey
- When asked if Japan should make global contributions in the health sector, 40.3% of respondents said that it should.
- In a question on the per capita financial burden of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA), one method of making global contributions, 20.9% of respondents said it should be increased, even when compared to per capita financial burdens in other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) members.

Planetary Health
The 107th HGPI Seminar
Planetary Health: What is Planetary Health? – The Concept and Future Challenges
We hosted Prof. Chiho Watanabe (Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University; Executive Advisor to the President (Planetary Health)) for a lecture on the concept of planetary health, its background, domestic and global trends in this field, and what we can do to help achieve better health for our planet.
Key Points of the Lecture
- Planetary health has been the subject of growing attention in recent years. Behind this growth is the scientific understanding that human activities during and after the Industrial Revolution have started to have significant effects on the Earth’s climate and ecosystems, which have resulted in both direct and indirect human health impacts. Some have proposed naming this epoch the “Anthropocene” to denote the beginning of a new geological era in which the effects of humans have become observable on a global scale.
- Planetary health is a framework for research and implementation that is based on the view that the Earth’s health (or that of its ecosystems) and human health (and civilization) are interdependent. While planetary health has many points in common with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we can also say the concept of planetary health emphasizes the relationships among each of the seventeen SDGs.
- In recent years, there has been growing momentum for planetary health at global organizations and universities in Japan and overseas. Nagasaki University, for example, started a university-wide initiative for planetary health in 2020 that aims to develop leaders who will be able to address the issues of today through interdisciplinary collaboration. Also, an increasing number of domestic organizations are joining the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA).
- We should respond in a manner that surpasses countries and disciplines to achieve planetary health. Existing guidelines for action and attitudes such as the three pillars for institutions outlined by Professor Tony Capon of Monash University in Australia as well as the São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health will be helpful references for us in the future.
HGPI Planetary Health Policy Team Signs Healthy Climate Prescription
The letter was presented to national leaders and country delegations at the 2021 United Nations climate negotiations in Glasgow (COP26) to address the climate crisis by limiting global warming to 1.5°C and making human health and equity central to all climate change mitigation and adaptation actions.
The HGPI Planetary Health Promotion Project Advisory Board Meetings
Planetary Health: Actions for Establishing a Sustainable Global Environment
In FY2022, HGPI launched its Planetary Health Promotion Project with the objectives of advancing discussions on planetary health and contributing to better health for the planet and its people. At our advisory board meetings, global opinion leaders and prominent representatives of industry, Government, academia, and civil society in this area from Japan and overseas will share best practices and ideas from each stakeholder group, identify issues, and propose countermeasures.
Advisory Board Members
- Masahiro Hashizume (Professor, Department of Global Health Policy, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
- Eiji Hinoshita (Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
- Hidekazu Hosokawa (Executive Director, Japan Medical Association)
- Ryoka Imai (Associate Director, Public Affairs, Market Access, Public Affairs & Patient Experience, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)
- Masahiro Kaminota (Director-General, Environmental Health Department, Ministry of the Environment)
- Yusuke Matsuo (Programme Director, Business Taskforce, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES); Executive Director, Secretariat, Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP))
- Yutaka Mitsutake (Director, Japan Sustainability, AstraZeneca K.K.)
- Keiko Nakamura (Professor, Department of Global Health Entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences (Medicine), Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU))
- So Sugawara (Representative Director, Green innovation)
- Yasuhiko Suzuki (Director and Professor, Division of Bioresources, International Institute for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University)
- Chiho Watanabe (Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University; Executive Advisor to the President (Planetary Health))
- Hiroya Yamano (Director, Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
- Akiyo Kizawa (Executive Officer, Japanese Nursing Association (JNA))
Guest Speaker
- Naoko Yamamoto (Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage/Healthier Populations, World Health Organization)
The Second Advisory Board Meeting
The First Advisory Board Meeting
Other Activities
The 48th Special Breakfast Meeting
The COVID-19 Response and Considering Health Policy From 2040
We hosted Mr. Kazuhito Ihara, Director-General of the Health Insurance Bureau at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and a leading figure in Japan’s response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic as Director-General of the Health Policy Bureau until June 2021. Mr. Ihara gave a lecture on healthcare policy with a focus on demographic changes that will occur in Japan by 2040.
Key Points of the Lecture
- Based on the issues in the healthcare provision system that came to light during the response to COVID-19, to be prepared for the next infectious disease threat, a proposal for revising the Infectious Disease Act is likely to be submitted during the extraordinary Diet session this autumn.
- It is projected that by 2040, the growth of Japan’s elderly population will begin to decelerate and the number of working-age adults will rapidly decline, so it will be important to take action to address challenges presented by manpower shortages and a declining population. Industry, Government, academia, and civil society must work to reform the healthcare provision system to respond to circumstances in each region while keeping a steady eye on how healthcare demand will change by 2040.
2022.05.26 ― 11.24
The 11th Semester of Health Policy Academy
On May 26, 2022, HGPI held the first lecture of the 11th semester of Health Policy Academy (HPA). Due to the ongoing Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic, this semester of HPA faces the challenge of being held in a blended format. However, this new format provides the opportunity to deliver the program to people based in different regions in Japan. The 11th semester of HPA will be held over the next six months. It aims to provide participants with opportunities to learn basic knowledge and acquire skills for health policy through lectures by opinion leaders and interactive multi-stakeholder discussions among participants.
Lectures and Media Coverage
HGPI’s projects have been covered by various media outlets both inside and outside of Japan.
Workshop on social medicine at Akita University Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine
Dementia Policy Today and The Role of Think Tanks
HGPI Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita presented at a workshop on social medicine at Akita University Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine as a guest lecturer.
In his lecture titled, “Dementia Policy Today and The Role of Think Tanks,” Mr. Kurita explained how issues surrounding dementia are perceived in relation to welfare state theory and, from a public administration perspective, described the roles of think tanks in addressing policy issues and their day-to-day activities while introducing case studies.
Regular meeting of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan Medical and Pharmaceutical Group
(Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture)
Dementia and Future Health Policy
HGPI Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita gave a lecture at a regular meeting of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Japan Medical and Pharmaceutical Group.
In his lecture, titled “Dementia and Future Health Policy,” Mr. Kurita gave a broad overview on changes in Japan’s social structure that drew attention to dementia as a policy topic and explained recent developments in dementia policy, including the political and administrative trends behind those developments.
The first workshop of the Nikkei BP Intelligence Group’s Femcare Initiative
Why is Femcare What Japan Needs Now?
HGPI Manager Ms. Yuko Imamura gave a lecture under the theme, “Current Circumstances and Social Issues in Japan Surrounding Women’s Specific Health Concerns” at the first workshop of the Nikkei BP Intelligence Group’s Femcare Initiative.
Media Coverage
Private Think-Tank Calls for Dementia Discussions at G7 Summit Hiroshima (Kyodo News) |
Advocacy Activities to Encourage the Adoption of the Recommendations in Our Policy Proposals
HGPI composes and publishes reports and policy proposals for each of its projects. HGPI also makes efforts to encourage the implementation of the recommendations contained in those publications through advocacy activities targeting the government and Diet. Those efforts include providing explanations on the content of each report and proposal to representatives from relevant departments with the local and national government or to Diet members and local assembly members on an individual basis. In addition to cooperating closely with parties relevant to each project from the local and national government, HGPI also functions as a hub that creates links within the community of experts in each field when creating content for Diet member study sessions or when drafting bills. We engage in these cooperative efforts with a shared intent of encouraging the implementation of concrete policies based on our recommendations. In the past, recommendations included in HGPI’s reports and policy proposals have been reflected in policies after having been cited in presentations made by various groups within the government, including nonpartisan Diet member groups and project teams, or in proposals composed by those groups.
Providing Professional Expertise
Serving on Government Committees and Global Organizations
Senior members of HGPI have held various titles on government committees and in global health societies. Some of those titles are listed below.
- Kiyoshi Kurokawa: Member, World Dementia Council; Healthcare Policy Advisor, Cabinet Secretariat; Chairman, Council on the Future of Tokyo in a Super-Aged Society; Chairman, Cabinet Office’s AI Advisory Board
- Kohei Onozaki: Health Policy Advisor, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Social Security Team, Administrative Reform Conference, Cabinet Secretariat
- Ryozo Nagai: Member, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare Social Security Council; Provisional Member, Council for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Member, Cabinet Office’s AI Advisory Board
- Ryoji Noritake: Committee Member, Council on the Future of Tokyo in a Super-Aged Society
- Satoko Hotta: Member, Caregiver Fee Subcommittee and Welfare Division, Social Security Council, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; Expert Committee Member, Policy Evaluation Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
- Shinsuke Muto:Information Policy Advisor, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare