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[In the Media] HGPI ranked 3rd global health policy think tank worldwide (January 28, 2021)

[In the Media] HGPI ranked 3rd global health policy think tank worldwide (January 28, 2021)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) has again ranked Second in the “Domestic Health Policy Think Tanks” category and Third in the “Global Health Policy Think Tanks” category within the 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report released on January 28, 2021, by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania.


HGPI was the top Asian think tank – and only Japanese think tank – in both categories for the twelfth year in a row. Other leading think tanks in these categories were the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research (CCHSR) in the United Kingdom, as well as the Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Centers (JHSPH) and the Brookings Institution of the United States.

“HGPI’s ranking is the result of its independence, the diversity of its funding sources, and its commitment to working globally by publishing all of its work in both English and Japanese. Encouraged by these results, we will double our efforts to continue to have a positive impact on society as a think tank specializing in health policy,” said HGPI Chairman Kiyoshi Kurokawa. HGPI CEO and Board Member Ryoji Noritake commented, “Especially during the pandemic, our work to advocate for citizens, patients, and healthcare workers is of the utmost importance. Now, more than ever, the world needs open and fair discussions on health policy. We will continue to foster such discussions, toward the creation of better policy ideas developed out of the combined knowledge of diverse stakeholders from the public and private sectors.”

The Global Go-To Think Tanks Index Report evaluated 11,175 think tanks. A total of 137 Japanese institutions are included in the report.

2020 Top Domestic Health Policy Think Tanks

  1. Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Centers (JHSPH) (United States)
  2. Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) (Japan)
  3. Brookings Institution (United States)
  4. RAND Corporation (United States)
  5. Fraser Institute (Canada)
  6. Cato Institute (United States)
  7. Urban Institute (United States)
  8. Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy (KPIHP) (United States)
  9. Center for American Progress (CAP) (United States)
  10. Heritage Foundation (United States)

2020 Top Global Health Policy Think Tanks

  1. Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Centers (JHSPH) (United States)
  2. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (United States)
  3. Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) (Japan)
  4. Brookings Institution (United States)
  5. Chatham House, Centre on Global Health Security (United Kingdom)
  6. Fraser Institute (Canada)
  7. RAND Corporation (United States)
  8. Center for Health Policy and Management (China)
  9. Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy (KPIHP) (United States)
  10. Canadian Centre for Health Economics (Canada)


*The “2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” can be downloaded from this page.

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