Report Lectures & Media

[Lecture Report] The first workshop of the Nikkei BP Intelligence Group’s Femcare Initiative “Why is Femcare What Japan Needs Now?” (Nikkei BP Beyond Health, July 19, 2022)

[Lecture Report] The first workshop of the Nikkei BP Intelligence Group’s Femcare Initiative “Why is Femcare What Japan Needs Now?” (Nikkei BP Beyond Health, July 19, 2022)

On July 19, 2022, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Manager Ms. Yuko Imamura gave a lecture under the theme, “Current Circumstances and Social Issues in Japan Surrounding Women’s Specific Health Concerns” at the first workshop of the Nikkei BP Intelligence Group’s Femcare Initiative.

A report on the workshop can be found here.
*Available only in Japanese

For research findings used at the workshop, please visit the links below.
■Survey on Health Promotion and Working Women 2018
■Developing a Comprehensive Health Education Program for University Students and Program Effectiveness Survey Results
■The Public Opinion Survey on Child-Rearing in Modern Japan

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