[Research Paper] “Understanding factors related to healthcare avoidance for menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms: A cross-sectional study among women in Japan.” Published in Preventive Medicine Reports (October 17, 2023)
date : 10/19/2023
Tags: Women's Health
The paper titled ‘Understanding factors related to healthcare avoidance for menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms: a cross-sectional study among women in Japan’ has been published in the international journal, Preventive Medicine Reports.
This study is based on data from the “Research Recommendations on Socioeconomic Factors and Women’s Health”, which was published in March 2023 by the Women’s Health Project of Health and Global Policy Institute. The co-authors from the HGPI include Senior Manager Prof. Haruka Sakamoto, Senior Associate Mr. Shu Suzuki, Senior Associate Ms. Yukiko Kawata, and Intern Ms. Sayaka Honda.
- Data from a nationally representative, cross-sectional online survey of 4,950 Japanese women aged 25–59 was analyzed using binomial logistic regression models.
- 22.8% of survey respondents exhibited healthcare avoidance for menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms in the past year.
- Factors associated with avoidance include younger age, higher income, diagnosed gynecological conditions, perception of menstrual pain as endurance, health effects beyond work, and lack of understanding of health check-ups.
- There is a need for tailored health education and shifts in societal attitudes to encourage healthcare-seeking behaviors among women in Japan.
The paper can be found here.
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