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[Event Report] HGPI held a discussion with Academy of Medicine Singapore (November 27, 2024)

[Event Report] HGPI held a discussion with Academy of Medicine Singapore (November 27, 2024)

Public health specialists from the Academy of Medicine Singapore visited Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) as part of their public health study trip to Japan from the 27th to 29th November 2024. The group consisted of medical and public health specialists from Singapore’s Academy of Medicine. The objective of their trip was to learn about different aspects of the Japanese healthcare system from different organizations in Japan.

Mr. Ryoji Noritake, HGPI’s Chair, gave a presentation titled “Paradigm Shift in Healthcare-Lessons from Ageing Japan”. In his presentation, he began with the history of HGPI, from its inception until the present. He then discussed the main objective of HGPI, which is political agenda setting, shaping and delivery by visualizing patients’ and citizens’ voices and amplifying their political will in policy making. He then presented on the Japanese National Healthcare System and the Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI). Mr. Noritake’s presentation resulted in a lively discussion regarding different aspects of the Japanese healthcare system and the work of HGPI in promoting changes to Japanese healthcare policy. Dr. Favour Omileke, Program Specialist at the HGPI gave a presentation on HGPI’s Dementia Project. In her presentation, she began with an overview of the current reality of the dementia burden in Japan, presented the recently enacted Basic Act on Dementia and HGPI’s recommendations in the legislative process of this policy. She also briefly shared the project’s future aspirations and current challenges. Questions relating to the political tipping point for the creation of the Basic Act of Dementia and practical steps being taken to reduce the stigma regarding dementia were asked.

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