[Recommendations] Restructuring Diagnostic Services and Achieving the Necessary Innovation to Promote AMR Control (May 26, 2023)
date : 5/26/2023
Tags: AMR
AMR Alliance Japan (Secretariat: Health and Global Policy Institute) aims to promote antimicrobial resistance (AMR) measures, and have published a proposal on the reconstruction of the testing system that contributes to the diagnosis of antimicrobial resistant organism and the innovation required for that purpose.
In recent years, the G7 has recognized that achieving comprehensive innovation in all areas of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment will be crucial for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR). AMR Alliance Japan has worked to make the most of this momentum and has already presented recommendations focusing on treatment and pull incentives.
In response to the structural issues facing the testing market, there is a growing international need for restructuring testing systems and innovation, which was discussed at the 152nd World Health Organization Executive Council meeting in January-February 2023. Therefore, looking beyond the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit, we will publish recommendations specific to tests that contribute to diagnostic support, which are necessary to promote comprehensive and effective AMR countermeasures.
The outline of the recommendations is as follows.
Recommendation 1: Reaffirm that testing plays a vital role in diagnostic support and restructure diagnostic services to advance AMR countermeasures that are also compatible with a super-aging society.
Recommendation 2: Develop human resources and foster an environment to enable proactive AMR screening, microorganism identification, and drug susceptibility testing (including genetic testing).
Recommendation 3: While taking conditions at healthcare institutions and in each region into account, consider new incentives to expand diagnostic services at healthcare institutions by promoting testing systems that can be implemented in-house or that will improve the positions of and profitability for in-house and external testing departments.
The details can be found below.
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