Report Lectures & Media

[Lecture Report] Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference – An international conference aiming to resolve the issues of ageing (October 15, 2019, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

[Lecture Report] Nikkei Super Active Ageing Society Conference – An international conference aiming to resolve the issues of ageing (October 15, 2019, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)

HGPI Chairman Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa and HPGI CEO and Board Member Mr. Ryoji Noritake appeared at a panel discussion entitled “Comprehensive session: And towards the future” at the NIKKEI Super Active Ageing Society Conference – An international conference aiming to resolve the issues of ageing. Dr. Kurokawa was a panelist in the discussion and Mr. Noritake served as moderator.

During the discussion, Dr. Kurokawa pointed out the importance of developing internationally-minded human resources for overcoming the issues facing a super-aging society. He stressed that many young people should travel abroad to experience Japan from an outside perspective to gain a firm understanding of Japan’s strengths and weaknesses and help develop their capabilities.

HGPI also participated in the planning of this conference.

The conference was covered in an article published in the October 16, 2019 NIKKEI morning edition entitled “Discussing methods for extending healthy life-years: An international conference on issues related to aging.”
*It can be accessed in Japanese.

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