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[Event Report] Advisory Board Meeting for Meaningful Involvement Promotion Project “Promoting People with Lived Experience Participation in Policy-Making: Building a Social Foundation for Proactive Engagement” (September 11, 2024)

[Event Report] Advisory Board Meeting for Meaningful Involvement Promotion Project “Promoting People with Lived Experience Participation in Policy-Making: Building a Social Foundation for Proactive Engagement” (September 11, 2024)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) has been engaged in various activities to promote the realization of citizen-centered healthcare policy, recognizing the importance of a policy-making process led by people with lived experience. While encouraging people with lived experience participation has become a necessity in the modern age, challenges such as a shortage of qualified participants and difficulties finding suitable candidates even through public recruitment have emerged. In response to these issues, the Meaningful Involvement Promotion Project is undertaking initiatives in FY2024 to promote further substantial participation of diverse people with lived experience in the policy-making process.

At this Advisory Board meeting, multi-stakeholders from industry, government, academia, and civil society participated as Advisory Board members to deepen discussions on the effective management strategies for the “Japan’s Patient Experts Platform (J-PEP),” a membership website being developed by HGPI. They explored ways to strengthen collaboration with diverse people with lived experience. Hereafter, we will work together with advisory board members to enhance the contents and features of J-PEP and to organize related events in the future, considering their multifaceted perspectives.

[Event Overview]

  • Date & Time: Wednesday, September 11, 2024; 15:15-16:45 JST
  • Format: Hybrid (In-Person and Online (Zoom conferencing system))


Advisory Board Members (Titles omitted; in Japanese alphabetical order by last name, absent members included)

Kyoko Ama (Representative, Children and Healthcare Project; Fellow, HGPI)
Shinsuke Amano (Chair, The Japan Federation of Cancer Patient Groups; CEO, Group Nexus Japan)
Etsuko Aruga (Professor, Department of Palliative Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine)
Shino Ikeda (Public Affairs Manager, Public Affairs & Sustainability, Market Access & External Affairs Division, Novo Nordisk Pharma Ltd. )
Naomi Sakurai (President, Cancer Solutions Co., Ltd)
Takeshi Shukunobe (President and CEO, PPeCC)
Kazuyuki Suzuki (Senior Lead, Patient Engagement Group, Strategy & Execution, Novartis Pharma K.K.)
Yasuhiro Sensho (CEO, SENSHO-GUMI, Co., Ltd.; Former Director-General, MHLW)
Teppei Maeda (Lawyer, Maeda & Unosawa Law Offices; Representative, Medical Basic Act Community)
Kaori Muto (Professor, Department of Public Policy Studies, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo)
Akira Morita (Representative Director, Next Generation Fundamental Policy Research Institute (NFI))
Ikuko Yamaguchi (Chief Director, Consumer Organization for Medicine and Law (COML))
Yuhei Yamada (Representative Director, Porque, the Organization of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities)

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