Report Research & Recommendations

[Research Report] Comparative Research Group on Local Regulations for Dementia Presents Final Report, “Toward Dementia Regulations for an Inclusive Society” (December 27, 2024)

[Research Report] Comparative Research Group on Local Regulations for Dementia Presents Final Report, “Toward Dementia Regulations for an Inclusive Society” (December 27, 2024)

Co-hosted by Designing for Dementia and Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), the Comparative Research Group on Local Regulations for Dementia began meeting in 2020. Under its guiding concept of “a future with better coexistence for dementia,” it has held a number of discussions, surveys, and interviews to compare existing regulations related to dementia to examine the best processes to formulate those regulations and what content they should include. It has also been working to synthesize recommendations on this topic.

The Comparative Research Group on Local Regulations for Dementia previously published an interim report and policy recommendations titled “Steps Toward Regulations for Dementia That Achieve Citizen-Centered Dementia Policy.” The Interim Report was presented in March 2021 and used regulations for dementia from eleven municipalities in effect as of October 2020 as points of reference.

The final report linked below is an updated version of that Interim Report. With twelve new municipalities, it examines a total of 23 municipalities that had introduced regulations as of April 2024. As a key new feature of this report that was not included in the Interim Report, we conducted a questionnaire survey on processes before and after the enactment of the regulations. The survey received responses from 21 of the 23 municipalities.

We hope this report will be useful for all municipalities that formulate dementia-related regulations or Plans for the Promotion of Policies on Dementia in the future. We also express our sincere gratitude to the 21 municipalities and all related parties who cooperated in our survey.

*To view the full report, please download the PDF linked below. (Please note that this report is available in Japanese only.)


This final report is the product of the Comparative Study on Regulations for Dementia for the Promotion of Involvement of People Living With or Affected By Dementia, which was conducted as part of the “Research Grants on Health and Medicine for Senior Citizens, Lifestyle Diseases, or Elderly Welfare” under the Taiyo Life Welfare Foundation FY2023 research grants.

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