Report Lectures & Media

[Event Report] Netherlands government highlevel meeting “Defeating Dementia Conference” (October 2, 2023, The Hague, Netherlands)

[Event Report] Netherlands government highlevel meeting “Defeating Dementia Conference” (October 2, 2023, The Hague, Netherlands)

On October 2023, Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) CEO and Board Member Mr. Ryoji Noritake presented at the Defeating Dementia Conference, a high-level meeting on dementia, co-hosted by the Government of the Netherlands and the World Dementia Council (WDC), held in The Hague, the Netherlands.

The conference was attended by government officials from Japan and other countries, advocacy leaders including people with dementia, academia, and experts from around the world. Topics discussed included the current status and prospects for the development of therapeutic medicines for dementia, the need to create dementia-friendly and inclusive societies, the need for an international cooperation framework, and the potential for the use of digital technology.

The high-level statement is available here. (English and Dutch (in some parts) only)

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