Report Lectures & Media

[In the Media] “Helping to Solve Sex-Related Troubles Faced by Young People by Creating Spaces for Them to Talk With Midwives” (NHK National News, NHK Metropolitan News; November 2, 2021)

[In the Media] “Helping to Solve Sex-Related Troubles Faced by Young People by Creating Spaces for Them to Talk With Midwives” (NHK National News, NHK Metropolitan News; November 2, 2021)

Two NHK news outlets have featured coverage of Youth Café events. Youth Café is an initiative from Youth Terrace, the platform for reproductive health established by Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI). HGPI Manager Yuko Imamura provided comments on the background of the establishment of Youth Café.

For details, please see the links below. Please note that the following links are in Japanese only.

For more information on Youth Terrace, please visit the Youth Terrace website here.

■ Introducing Youth Terrace
Youth Terrace is a platform that aims to create a society in Japan in which young people can make autonomous decisions regarding reproductive health and rights after considering their career and life plans.
Through this platform, HGPI’s Women’s Health Project will connect young people, universities and other educational institutions, midwives and other healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions, industry, and Government offices and other administrative bodies for various activities for (1) providing comprehensive sex education; (2) providing health consultation services and information at Youth Cafés; and (3) conducting research and issuing policy recommendations.

■ Introducing Youth Café
At Youth Café events, consultations related to reproductive health and rights are provided in-person and online.
All consultations are provided by midwives who have completed health education workshops based on global standards. From November 2021 to March 2022, in-person consultation events will be held occasionally at venues near Keio University Mita Campus, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda University, Rikkyo University, and Hitotsubashi University. Remote online consultations are provided over Zoom and reservations can be made any time using the online appointment form.

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