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[Event Report] The 12th Session of Health Policy Academy, Lecture 6 – New forms of Public Involvement in health policy (January 11, 2024)

[Event Report] The 12th Session of Health Policy Academy, Lecture 6 – New forms of Public Involvement in health policy (January 11, 2024)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) held the fourth lecture of the 12th session of Health Policy Academy (HPA).

In the sixth lecture, Ms. Kyoko Ama, HGPI Fellow, provided a lecture entitled ” New forms of Public Involvement in health policy.” The lecture focused on the overview of her public involvement activity in the healthcare and impact of her activities to health policy.

In the second of the lecture, Ms. Orie Yamashita, HGPI Associate, gave a lecture focused on spreading of the patient and public involvement.

In the Q&A session, students from diverse backgrounds actively asked questions, and it was a lively exchange of opinions that transcended industry and regional barriers.

The HPA has been renewed, and the 12th session will be called “HPA Advance.” This curriculum will cover the theory, themes, and analysis of health policies and will be conducted over the next six months. Its objective is to offer participants opportunities to learn about essential concepts required for the actual policy-making process. This includes fostering coordination and agreement among various ideas through discussions and the development of recommendations with students from diverse backgrounds.

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