[Event Report] WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Related Event: “AMR: A Glo ...>>
[Case Study] Koji Masuda and Kenji Ikeda “TDM Is Not Only for Safety, but for Ensuring E ...>>
[Case Study] Keisuke Kagami and Mitsuru Sugawara “Thrombocytopenia Can be Avoided By Mon ...>>
[Case Study] Keisuke Kagami and Mitsuru Sugawara “Concomitant piperacillin-tazobactam an ...>>
[Event Report] The 101st HGPI Seminar Looking Back at the History of Infectious Diseases ...>>
[In the Media] “Faster Response to Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria” (The Nikkei Persona ...>>
[Event Report] The Third Meeting of Working Group 3 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of th ...>>