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[Activity Report] Himeji City becomes first municipality in Japan to issue declaration on the promotion of AMR countermeasures (February 21, 2022)

[Activity Report] Himeji City becomes first municipality in Japan to issue declaration on the promotion of AMR countermeasures (February 21, 2022)

In February 2022, AMR Alliance Japan member Himeji City released its “Declaration of Himeji City as a City Promoting Countermeasures against AMR.”

During his first policy speech of FY2022, Mayor Kiyomoto Hideyasu said, “We must raise the alarm about antimicrobial resistance, which spreads through the improper use of antimicrobials and could cause infectious diseases to become untreatable. I declare Himeji City a ‘City Promoting Countermeasures against AMR.’ We will work to spread the word about this problem among our citizens and medical professionals.”

The new declaration was created following a symposium hosted by AMR Alliance Japan, “WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Related Event: ‘AMR: A Global Health Crisis.’” A report on that symposium can be found here.

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