Report Research & Recommendations

[Recommendations] Proposal on a Global Procurement System for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines (September 7, 2020)

[Recommendations] Proposal on a Global Procurement System for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines (September 7, 2020)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) released the a “Proposal on a Global Procurement System for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccines” jointly presented by our special advisors for the vaccinations project; Ichiro Kamoshita, Keizo Takemi, Noriko Furuya, and Kiyoshi Kurokawa.

Starting in 2020, HGPI has been engaged in the immunization and vaccination policy promotion project titled “Immunization and Vaccination Policy Promotion Project -Charting the Way Forward on Immunization Policy: International Trends and the Situation in Japan -.” As part of that project, an advisory board that includes opinion leaders and related organizations in this field representing industry, government, academia, and civil society has discussed issues around the immunization and vaccination policy in Japan and the world.

Based on the discussions with the advisory board, HGPI have synthesized the advice from our special advisors into three main points as follows.

  • We should not rely entirely on the mechanisms of the market to develop and distribute vaccines. Rather, vaccines should be developed and distributed through multilateral, international frameworks which operate in a truly equal manner and treat vaccines as global public goods.
  • It is crucial to ensure vaccines are safe and effective, so it is necessary to build a rapid response system for that purpose.
  • When establishing vaccination priorities, multidisciplinary knowledge should be accumulated through transparent and open discussions and then applied.

The advisory board will continue to discuss issues around the immunization and vaccination policy in Japan and the world, specifically the value of vaccines during ordinary times and during emergencies, the best methods of communicating the value of vaccines, the importance of immunization over the entire life course, and methods of approaching unvaccinated generations.

The report can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.

*This document was compiled by HGPI and special advisors, and the opinions expressed within should not be construed to represent the opinion of any one advisory board member.

(Honorifics and titles omitted)

■Related contents held as part of the project (chronological order)
– August 7, 2020 [Event Report] The First Advisory Board Meeting for the Immunization and Vaccination Policy Promotion Project, “Charting the Way Forward on Immunization Policy: International Trends and the Situation in Japan”

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