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[Announcement] Signs Open Letter Calling for Action at UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (September 12, 2023)

[Announcement] Signs Open Letter Calling for Action at UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (September 12, 2023)

The United Nations General Assembly will be held this September 2023 in New York. In conjunction with the assembly, High-Level Meetings (HLM)* related to three health issues, Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (Pandemic PPR), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and Tuberculosis (TB) are scheduled to be held.

As evidenced by the global spread of COVID-19, the pandemic poses a threat to the global economy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and international cooperation is urgently needed.

Pandemic Action Network and partners, including Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) have set out an ambitious and targeted action agenda aligned with the priorities in the letter signed on May 4 by more than 160 organizations. We are calling on world leaders to make commitments at this year’s UN General Assembly, including the UN High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (Pandemic PPR) that will take place on September 20.


The letter places particular emphasis on the following points:

  1. Political leadership and multi-stakeholder participation are needed to address the pandemic. Cooperation is required from all stakeholders including governments and non-governmental organizations, health workers, and vulnerable communities.
  2. Pandemic monitoring and accountability mechanisms should be established, and international progress should be regularly assessed. It is also important to strengthen international cooperation and improve international health regulations.
  3. It is important to build an international platform for pandemic countermeasures and ensure that the research-to-delivery process is fair and affordable. In particular, support is needed for low- and middle-income countries.
  4. Due to the lack of funding for the pandemic, additional funding needs to be secured. Allocating new funds in addition to existing funds is expected to strengthen pandemic preparedness.
  5. A multi-sectoral approach and investment are needed to address the pandemic. Early detection and response are critical as climate change and migration increase the risk of pandemics. National action plans should be linked with climate action to create a strong public health system.

A Japanese translation of this letter can be found in the PDF below.

Letter from the President of the General Assembly – Health-related Processes Political Drafts:
On September 1, the outgoing President of the UN General Assembly (for the 77th session) released the latest drafts of official statements for three important UN meetings. These drafts aim to capture the common ground reached on various issues. However, agreement couldn’t be reached on a few political matters that are not directly related to health. Now, it’s up to the new President of the UN General Assembly (for the 78th session) to decide whether to keep negotiating on these issues or to present the drafts as they are for approval at the UN meeting.

*The “– Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response – Program and Speakers” letter from the President of the 78th General Assembly has been published. According to the letter, Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs is scheduled to participate.

*The “- Universal Health Coverage – Program and Speakers” letter from the President of the 78th General Assembly has been published. According to the letter, Japan’s Prime Minister is scheduled to participate.

*The “– Tuberculosis – Program and Speakers” letter from the President of the 78th General Assembly has been published.
According to the letter, Japan’s Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare is scheduled to participate.

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