Report Research & Recommendations

Implementation of the “Research Survey on the Promotion of Age- and Dementia-Friendly Community-Building Based Upon Dementia Measures Abroad — Envisioning Japan’s Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support System and the Creation of Innovative Public-Private Partnerships Aimed at System Sustainability”

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) has implemented a project entitled “Research Survey on the Promotion of Age- and Dementia-Friendly Community-Building Based Upon Dementia Measures Abroad — Envisioning Japan’s Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support System and the Creation of Innovative Public-Private Partnerships Aimed at System Sustainability.” This project was selected as a “FY2018 Elderly Healthcare Promotion Project” (Elderly Healthcare Project Promotion Subsidy).


In order to advance age- and dementia-friendly community building, the creation of environments in which people can continue to live safely and comfortably even post-diagnosis requires multi-disciplinary collaboration. Moreover, as pointed out in the Kobe Communiqué G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting, population aging and its accompanying issues such as dementia have become challenges that today are faced worldwide.


Throughout this project, in addition to learning from the best practices of various countries and international dementia measures, HGPI will utilize its cross-sectoral, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) dementia model knowledge and networks to conduct survey research on models such as post-diagnostic support systems as well as the promotion of community-building by PPPs. Based on the results, HGPI will compile recommendations that contribute to the promotion and dissemination of dementia measures in Japan as well as recommendations on the promotion of global networks aimed at age- and dementia-friendly community-building.



>>For further details, please see the following link.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: FY2018 Elderly Healthcare Promotion Project, Summary of Projects Selected from Additional Applicants


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