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[Japanese Version Release] The World Stroke Organization, Global Stroke Guidelines and Action Plan: A Roadmap for Quality Stroke Care—Roadmap Implementation Guide (February 2, 2021)

[Japanese Version Release] The World Stroke Organization, Global Stroke Guidelines and Action Plan: A Roadmap for Quality Stroke Care—Roadmap Implementation Guide (February 2, 2021)

NCD Alliance Japan and the Global and Health Policy Institute collaborated with the international non-profit organization, The World Stroke Organization, to translate the Global Stroke Guidelines and Action Plan: A Roadmap for Quality Stroke Care—Roadmap Implementation Guide into Japanese. The translation was overseen by experts from the Japan Stroke Society and the Japan Stroke Association.

The details are available here.


What is NCD Alliance Japan?

NCD Alliance Japan is a collaborative platform for civil society organizations in the NCD community, steered by the Health and Global Policy Institute, aiming to further promote comprehensive, cross-cutting NCD policies.
NCD Alliance Japan has served since 2013 as Japan’s point-of-contact for the NCD Alliance, a collaborative platform bringing together over 2000 civil society organizations/academic institutions in more than 170 countries and we have been officially recognized as a full member of the NCD Alliance since January 17, 2019

By bringing together multi-stakeholders from both inside and outside Japan, including leaders of lived experience, members of industry, government officials, academia, and civil society, NCD Alliance Japan is working to support the development of lived experience leadership as well as policy-making which reflects and elevates its voice. NCD Alliance Japan also aims to contribute to problem-solving in the NCD space by monitoring trends both at home and abroad and actively sharing Japan’s insights with the world.

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