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[Lecture Report] “Planetary Health from a Medical Perspective” (1st AMSA GH Study Session, June 2, 2024, Online)

[Lecture Report] “Planetary Health from a Medical Perspective” (1st AMSA GH Study Session, June 2, 2024, Online)

On June 2, 2024, Mr. Joji Sugawara, Vice President of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), gave a lecture titled “Planetary Health from a Medical Perspective” at the 1st AMSA GH Study Session. This study session was organized by the Asian Medical Students’ Association Japan (AMSA Japan) in collaboration with the Japan Association for Global Health, Students Section (jagh-s) ahead of World Environment Day on June 5. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness among medical students about planetary health, help them understand specific issues, and provide an opportunity to consider what goals we should aim for in the future.

Approximately 30 students and professionals participated in the lecture, where Mr. Sugawara elaborated on the concept of planetary health, related issues in the medical field, and the goals we should set for the future. He also included recent examples from international health assemblies to inspire students to think about concrete actions they can take.

After the lecture, the study session included discussions in breakout rooms, allowing participants to exchange opinions and ask questions. This session provided a valuable opportunity for deepening understanding of planetary health and considering the roles that medical students should play in their future careers.

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