Report Lectures & Media

[Lecture Report] “An Overview of the Basic Act on Dementia” (The 40th Meeting of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Council for the Promotion of Dementia Measures; May 24, 2024; Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo)

[Lecture Report] “An Overview of the Basic Act on Dementia” (The 40th Meeting of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Council for the Promotion of Dementia Measures; May 24, 2024; Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Senior Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita gave a lecture titled “An Overview of the Basic Act on Dementia” at the 40th Meeting of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Council for the Promotion of Dementia Measures. In his lecture, Mr. Kurita discussed the legislative background and process for the Basic Act on Dementia, introduced future discussion points for the promotion of dementia measures from local governments, and shared his personal views on the topic.

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