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[In the Media] Japan Approves its First Law for Dementia – Action to be Taken to Secure Opportunities for Participation in Social Activities (The Asahi Shimbun Digital; June 14, 2023)

[In the Media] Japan Approves its First Law for Dementia – Action to be Taken to Secure Opportunities for Participation in Social Activities (The Asahi Shimbun Digital; June 14, 2023)

Comments from Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Senior Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita were included in an article published on the Asahi Shimbun Digital.

In the article, Mr. Kurita shared his thoughts regarding the recent enactment of the Dementia Basic Act for an Inclusive Society, saying, “The Act is revolutionary for clearly mentioning the establishment of an inclusive society and involvement for people living with dementia and other affected parties. It also includes efforts to secure opportunities to promote understanding and to participate in society, to provide support for decision-making, and to uphold rights and interests. The measures it requires of the Government go beyond the boundaries of healthcare to a degree we have never seen before. For example, it states that concrete measures must be taken to help people enter and stay in the workforce.”

Please access the article here
*Please note that visitors must log in to view the full article and that the article is available in Japanese only.

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