Report Lectures & Media

[Event Report] Kanagawa Medical Innovation School: Evening Seminar – Global Health Experts to Lead Health Innovations – (March 16, 2017)

[Event Report] Kanagawa Medical Innovation School: Evening Seminar – Global Health Experts to Lead Health Innovations – (March 16, 2017)
“Kanagawa Medical Innovation School: Evening Seminar – Global Health Experts to Lead Health Innovations -” was convened on March 16, 2017 at the Shin-Marunouchi Bldg. EGG JAPAN Collaboration Space.

Kanagawa Prefectural Government is in the process of establishing a new School of Public Health, the “Kanagawa Medical Innovation School (MIS)”, at the Kanagawa University of Human Services in 2019. Therefore, we conducted this second event, evening seminar, after the first symposium which was held in February 2, 2017 at the Pacifico Yokohama. This seminar provided an interactive discussion with young experts from the Kanagawa prefectural government, academic sectors, and civil society for working professionals who are student candidate and for company officials who aim to dispatch their workers as students.

Keynote Address I “An Overview of the Medical Innovation School”
Keynote address was given by Dr. Kenji Shuto, Special Assistant to the Governor of Kanagawa Prefectural Government. He explained Kanagawa Prefecture’s Healthcare New Frontier Policy and MIS vision for human resource development.

Keynote Address II “Actions to Address ME-BYO – The University of Tokyo Center of Innovation (COI)”
Prof. Yuichi Tei (Ungil Chung) from Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Medicine, The University of Tokyo explained the gap, obstacles and uniqueness of Japanese healthcare sectors and how MIS will fill these gaps and help to overcome the issues. Prof. Tei emphasized that in addition to human resource development, MIS will contribute to developing innovations with support by the Kanagawa Prefectural Government.

Panel Discussion: MPH Career Talks
・Sarah K. Abe
Assistant Professor, Department of Global Health Policy, The University of Tokyo
・Mayuka Yamazaki
Project Assistant Professor, Department of Global Health Policy, The University of Tokyo; Former Assistant Director, Harvard Business School (HBS) Japan Research Center
・Ryo Watanabe
Research Associate, Department of Integrated Information, Tokyo Medical University; President and Representative Director, Initiative for Social & Public Health
・Tasuku Kanda
Senior Staff Member, Healthcare New Frontier Promotion Headquarters Office for Medical Innovation School Establishment
Active discussions from were held between young professionals from various sectors including Kanagawa Prefectural Government, non-profit organization, and academia. Speakers delve into topics from the great importance to study public health to the Health Care New Frontier Policy, MIS concept, and MIS vision’s for human resource development.
Through lively multi-stakeholder dialogues, critical and constructive recommendations on “Desirable Global Leaders”, “Future Curriculum Content”, and “the importance of field experience” were formulated as possible career building in the health care field.

(Photographed by: Kazunori Izawa)

Exhibition date:2017-03-16

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