Report Lectures & Media

(Event Report) Global Expert Meeting on Japan’s Leadership and Outreach Strategy in Access to Medicine (Nov. 24, 2016)

(Event Report) Global Expert Meeting on  Japan’s Leadership and Outreach Strategy in Access to Medicine (Nov. 24, 2016)
The Global Expert Meeting on Japan’s Leadership and Outreach Strategy in Access to Medicine was convened on November 24, 2016, jointly with the Access to Medicine Foundation from the Netherlands.
In this Global Expert Meeting, we provided a platform for multi-stakeholder discussion, with experts from public, private and academic sectors in Japan and around the world, on Japan’s leadership role in improving access to medicine and better practice for outreach strategy. In cooperation with the Access to Medicine Foundation, which ranks the world’s 20 largest research-based pharmaceutical companies according to their practice in improving access to medicine, this meeting became an opportunity to delve into the prospects of Japan’s role and policy agendas as a leader in global health.
Welcoming Remarks/Keynote Address
Welcoming remarks were given by Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa of HGPI, reflecting on Japan’s emergence as a major player in global health arena and suggesting this forum be an opportunity for dialogue with global experts on future contribution. Keynote address by Dr. Naoko Yamamoto of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare provided an overview of Japan’s global health policy and its diversified efforts in 2016 including G7 Ise-Shima Summit, TICAD VI, and G7 Kobe Health Ministers’ Meeting.
Keynote Presentation “2016 Access to Medicine Index”
“Access to medicine” is a fundamental social right that guarantees essential medications and quality healthcare services to those in need. However, there are more than 2 billion people around the world who live beyond the reach of adequate and affordable medicine. In this context, urgent actions at international levels through public private partnerships are imperative. Dr. Jayasree K. lyer of Access to Medicine Foundation presented the newly published 2016 Index, elaborating on its 4 key concepts, 7 technical areas, and 20 detailed company report cards. Through the presentation and Q&A session with the floor, high expectation on Japanese companies was expressed.
Panel Discussion
“Japan’s Agenda and Next Strategy in Access to Medicine”
– Jayasree K. lyer (Executive Director, Access to Medicine Foundation)
– Hiroki Nakatani (Project Professor, Global Research Institute, Keio University)
– Daisuke Koga (Deputy Director, Office of Global Health Cooperation, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
– Haruhiko Hirate (Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
– Ryoji Noritake (President, Health and Global Policy Institute)
While Japan’s leadership in global heath is steadily gaining appreciation, their efforts from public, private and academic sectors are yet to be fully recognized by the international community. There are still ongoing discussions within Japan on how to take leadership to contribute to global health, and increase its presence through outreach strategy. In this session, panelists from health ministry, industry, international organization and academia, had a vibrant discussion on Japan’s contribution to global health, covering various topics as “past efforts and successful cases”, “critical issues” and “next agendas and policy recommendations”. Also, the panel had an active exchange of opinions on how such ranking initiatives as the Access to Medicine Index should be organized.
Closing Remarks
Human security has been traditionally core to Japan’s diplomacy and is becoming even more important in health arena. Dr. Eiji Hinoshita of Ministry of Foreign Affairs advocated for public private partnership on improving access to medicine and tackling various global health issues.

Exhibition date:2016-11-24

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