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Palliative/Hospice care field trip in USA

Palliative/Hospice care field trip in USA

In line with the Yamada healthcare reconstruction project, HGPI and Project Hope had collaborated with a number of established healthcare services in San Diego to organize a field trip from 19-25 Aug with the certified palliative care nurses in Iwate Prefecture. The main objective of the field trip was to allow an opportunity for a dialogue in both Japan and the United States’ healthcare practitioners pertaining the similarities and differences in concept of palliative care, roles of multi-stakeholders in palliative care setting, healthcare system and so on. The trip had included visits to in-patients, facilities, homes and at-home palliative/hospice care services as well as simulation training on terminal care. Collaboration between HGPI and Project Hope will continue to bring the best healthcare service that tailored to the local people in both countries.



Special Acknowledgement:

Elizabeth Hospice

Palomar Medical Care Center

Sharp Hospice Care

California State University San Marcos

Exhibition date:2013-08-25

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