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1st Series on EOL (End of life) Care discussion – Think philosophy of life and death

1st Series on EOL (End of life) Care discussion – Think philosophy of life and death
 Japan will experience an aging society by 2035 as one in three people in Japan will be over the age of 65. Japan will be the first country in human history to experience such a phenomenon, hence, it is Japan’s duty to ask questions; “How to Age and How to Die” and “The Ideal Ways of End of Life Care .” The aging issue has been known as a forbidden topic that cannot be discussed in the public but it is time to change. In the light of this, this consecutive seminar will aim to hold a discussion that allows young professionals from economic, medical, academic, media, legislative and administrative sectors to suggest action plans.


1st Series on EOL (End of life) Care discussion – Think philosophy of life and death

The discussion will investigate the issues surrounding end of life care to examine comprehensive points of view. This allows multispectral speakers to exchange their opinions in order to share the points at the issue with citizens.  

Data: July 2nd (Tuesday) 19:00-21:00

Place: Tokyo 21c club (Shin-Marunouchi Build. 10F 1-5-1Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Organized by: Health and Global Policy Institution, NPO

Points of view: It allows multispectral speakers to exchange their opinions.

Targeted audience: Legislative body, Companies, Universities, Citizens, Mayor, Media (Reservation only)

Language: Japanese (No interpretation)


1. Discussion Point of EOL Care (Mr. Kazuhisa Takeuchi (McKinsey and Company ))

 2.  Philosophy of Life/Death and Community (Speaker:Yoshinori Hiroi (Professor at Chiba University, School of Law)

 3. Interactive Discussion with Panelist (Seminar Proposers) 

【Seminar Proposers】                       (Syllabary order, Titles omitted)

– Mr. Daisuke Iwase           President, Lifenet Insurance Company

– Mr. Kohei Onozaki         Vice President, Corporate Affairs AstraZeneca K.K.

– Mr. Ken Shibusawa           Board Chairman, Japan Center for International Exchange/ CEO of  Commons Asset Management
– Mr. Kazuhisa Takeuchi      McKinsey and Company

– Mr. Toshio Miyata            Deputy Director of Office, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare/ Surgeon                                                                               

Exhibition date:2013-07-02

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