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[Event Report] Health Policy Academy, “Health Policy 101: Session 2 – The History of Health Policy in Japan ” (November 21, 2018)

[Event Report] Health Policy Academy, “Health Policy 101: Session 2 – The History of Health Policy in Japan ” (November 21, 2018)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) held “Health Policy 101: Session 2 – The History of Health Policy in Japan”
“Health Policy 101” is a program offered by HGPI for those interested in the opportunity of gaining a basic knowledge of Japan’s health policy essentials. In the face of shifting demographics, constant advances in technology, and rising healthcare costs, interest in Japan’s healthcare system and health policies is growing faster than ever before.

There nonetheless remains confusion surrounding the exact nature of health policy in Japan, and programs offering a clear, comprehensive overview of this important topic remain limited. In response to this need, HGPI established HPA, offering a total of six lectures and five study sessions over the course of six months.

At the second lecture, entitled ” The History of Health Policy in Japan,” HGPI Board Member Kohei Onozaki and Senior Associate Shunichiro Kurita presented a general overview of the history of Japanese health policy.

(*Please note that at present, HPA is available only in Japanese.)

■Curriculum (Lectures)
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: The History of Health Policy in Japan
Session 3: The Health Policy Decision-making Process in Japan
Session 4: Current Concerns and the Future Outlook for Pharmaceuticals in Japan
Session 5: Community Healthcare in Japan
Session 6: Future Prospects for Healthcare in Japan

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