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[Registration closed] Global Health Education Program (G-HEP) 2018

[Registration closed]  Global Health Education Program (G-HEP) 2018

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) is pleased to announce the 2018 Global Health Education Program (G-HEP), “Ageing and Health Innovation” co-organized by HGPI and the Faculty of Public Health of Mahidol University.

*Registration has closed.




Program Overview: G-HEP 2018
The G-HEP 2018 program aims to bring together students and young professionals from Japan and Thailand to share experience and knowledge on the common and unique health challenges faced by these two countries, with a special focus on ageing, and to propose innovative business/policy-centered solutions. Throughout the duration of the program, students will analyze major health issues, propose feasible and creative solutions, learn integrated approaches to ageing-related health challenges, build networks with foreign health experts, and think critically about their role and responsibility as future global health leaders.

Program activities will be conducted in English. Participants need not speak perfectly – we welcome applicants with a conversational level of English to apply!

Interested applicants, please submit the google application form from this link by Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 17:00.

Program Details

  • Dates
    August 25 – September 2, 2018
    9 days (1 day in Tokyo, Japan and 8 days in Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Venue
    Tokyo: Global Business Hub TOKYO (HGPI’s office and conference space)
    Bangkok: Mahidol University and related facilities /site (ex. healthcare institutions)
  • Program Contents
    • Lectures from global health professionals, and academia of Japan and Thailand
    • Fieldwork and site visits in Thailand
    • Discussion sessions among Thai and Japanese students
    • Final competition, providing innovative business/policy-centered solutions to overcome health challenges
  • Program Schedule (TBD)
    Location Day Date Contents
    Tokyo 1 August 25 Orientation, Ice-Breaker Session

    Bangkok and its suburbs

    2 August 26 Flight to Thailand
    3 August 27 Orientation, Lectures, Group Work, Welcome Dinner
    4 August 28 Lectures, Group Work
    5 August 29 Site Visits
    6 August 30 Site Visits
    7 August 31 Site Visits
    8 September 1 Group Work
    9 September 2 Final Presentation, Reception, Flight to Japan
    *Tentative plan
    1) Nakhon Ratchasima Province (approximately 3 hours away from Bangkok)
    2) Field visit on hospital and clinic related to ageing, non-communicable diseases and dementia
    3) Inspection on traditional medicine activities
    4) Exchange ideas with local community staff and regional community center on NCDs prevention
  • Number of Participants from Japan
    Recruitment number:
    Maximum 15 young professionals (also students from Thailand will be participating)
  • Application Eligibility
    Young professionals or university and graduate level students in the fields of medicine, public policy, international affairs, public health, international health and other fields with an interest in global health are welcome to apply.
    *As the program will be conducted in English, English conversation and listening skills are required.
    *Past participants of Global Health Summer Program (GHSP) and G-HEP programs are NOT eligible to apply.
  • Selection Criteria
    Participants will be selected based on their levels of English language proficiency and the answers (in English or Japanese) to the short essay questions provided on the application form. 
  • Application Process and Selection Announcement*
    The application deadline is Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 17:00. To apply, from the google application form (in either English or Japanese, but preferably in English).
    Successful applicants will be notified by email on Friday, June 29, 2018.
    *We extended application deadline.
  • Participation Fee
    The participation fee is JPY 85,000. For successful applicants, the fee is due by the end of July, 2018 (Date to be notified by email). Please note that cancellation fee applies after the selection announcement on Thursday, June 28, 2018.
  • The participation fee includes:
    • Round-trip airfare to/from Tokyo, Japan – Bangkok, Thailand
    • Fieldwork costs (hotel, in-country transportation, meals*)
      *Including the reception and welcoming dinners on the first and last night in Bangkok, and hotel breakfasts only.
  • The participation fee does NOT cover:
    • Travel insurance
    • VISA application
    • Domestic transportation to/from Airport
    • Transportation within Tokyo for Day1
    • Meals while in Tokyo, except Day1 lunch
    • Meals while in Bangkok, except breakfast, welcome dinner, and reception
    • Souvenirs and personal spending in Tokyo and Bangkok
  • Travel Insurance 
    All program participants will be required to obtain travel insurance. The average cost for international travel insurance is below JPY 10,000. Recommended travel insurance company will be announced to the participants later.
  • Visa Application 
    To enter Thailand, a traveler needs to acquire a Visa depending on his/her nationality. A successful applicant is responsible for the Visa application procedures. Please note that this process may take more than a month. Holders of a Japanese passport do not need a Visa for this program. 
  • Assistance for Travel/Accommodation Cost*
    For those outside of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama Prefectures: There are funds available to assist with travel to/from Tokyo and accommodations at a designated location in Tokyo. If this applies to you, please indicate your current location and level of need on the application form. Please note that this assistance is applicable only to those outside of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, and Saitama Prefectures.

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
Faculty of Public Health of Mahidol University
Kanagawa University of Human Services
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)

Health and Global Policy Institute (Sugawara, Aoun)


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