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[Activity Report] Hearing on Policy Requests and Question and Answer Session Held at Joint Meeting of Komeito Headquarters for the Promotion of Policies for Dementia Care and Health, Labour and Welfare Subcommittee (January 31, 2023)

[Activity Report] Hearing on Policy Requests and Question and Answer Session Held at Joint Meeting of Komeito Headquarters for the Promotion of Policies for Dementia Care and Health, Labour and Welfare Subcommittee (January 31, 2023)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita participated in a joint meeting of the Komeito Headquarters for the Promotion of Policies for Dementia Care and the Health, Labour and Welfare Subcommittee during their hearing on policy requests and question and answer session. There, he provided recommendations after explaining the urgent recommendations presented by HGPI on September 27, 2022 titled “Enact the Basic Act for Dementia to Reshape Perceptions of Dementia” as well as joint recommendations on the Basic Act for Dementia from the Association of People with Dementia, their Family Members, and Supporters and HGPI presented on January 24, 2023 titled “Ensuring the Basic Act for Dementia Encourages Involvement for People Living with Dementia and their Supporters.”

During his statement, Mr. Kurita requested measures to strengthen patient and public involvement (PPI) in measures for dementia and for the Basic Act for Dementia to make specific mention of participation for people living with dementia and other affected parties. Looking forward, he also explained the importance of fostering a social environment that keeps preparedness for aging and dementia within view, advancing efforts for comprehensive community development, and producing innovations that reflect the needs of the parties most affected.

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