![[Announcement] HGPI Endorsed “For the Health of People and Planet: Priorities for a Healthy COP28” (November 30, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/COP28-Health-Priorities_20231129.png)
[Announcement] HGPI Endorsed “For the Health of People and Planet: Priorities for a Heal ...>>
![[Policy Recommendations] Coming Together to Protect and Foster: Promoting Innovative and Sustainable Planetary Health in the Asia-Pacific Region to Build Resilient Health Systems (November 29, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/7f201bddb9a31588d804724f904fa339.png)
[Policy Recommendations] Coming Together to Protect and Foster: Promoting Innovative and ...>>
![[Announcement] HGPI Joins Call for “Global Health and Medical Community Unite To Demand End Fossil Fuel Dependency at COP28” (November 1, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/ph-20231101-top.jpg)
[Announcement] HGPI Joins Call for “Global Health and Medical Community Unite To Demand ...>>
![[Announcement] HGPI Joins AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform (September 13, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/amr-20231118-top.png)
[Announcement] HGPI Joins AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform (September 13, 2023 ...>>
![[Policy Recommendations] The 6 Steps for Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizens, and Communities for Obesity Control (November 1, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/ncd-ob-20231101-top.png)
[Policy Recommendations] The 6 Steps for Engaging and Cooperating with Patients, Citizen ...>>
![[Urgent Recommendations] The Ideal System for Obstetric Care in Japan in the Era of Birthrate Decline (September 15, 2023)](https://hgpi.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/wh-20230915-top_JPNENG.png)
[Urgent Recommendations] The Ideal System for Obstetric Care in Japan in the Era of Birt ...>>