Report Research & Recommendations

[Publication Report] Planetary Health Promotion Project “Issues Facing Planetary Health and the Role of the Health Sector” (May 10, 2023)

[Publication Report] Planetary Health Promotion Project “Issues Facing Planetary Health and the Role of the Health Sector” (May 10, 2023)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) launched its Planetary Health Promotion Project in 2022. The objectives of this project are to collaborate with multi-stakeholders to identify planetary health-related issues for Japan to address, to improve understanding, to disseminate information in Japan and around the world, and to create opportunities to take the next steps.

As part of this project, we have hosted continuous discussions with our multi-stakeholder advisory board, which included representatives of industry, Government, academia, and civil society, and this report is based on those meetings.

This report focuses on the health impacts of various human effects on the environment and analyzes actions needed to protect the environment and human health, as well as the desired role of the health sector.


 The Anthropocene and the planetary boundaries
 What is planetary health?
 Health and Global Policy Institute’s Planetary Health Promotion Project

Issue: The health impacts of various human effects on the environment
 Air pollution
 Water pollution
 Climate change
 Biodiversity loss

Solution: Cross-sector actions needed to protect the environment and human health
 Adaptation Heat/Infectious disease

The desired role of the health sector
 Expanding perspectives on planetary health in all fields of policy and all sectors, including those for the environment and economy
 Decarbonizing the health sector
 Making the health sector resilient
 Reinforcing research and evidence

About this report and the HGPI
Regarding the independent nature of this report/Guidelines on Grants and Contributions
Acknowledgements/Advisory Board Members/Project sponsors


The following advisory board members participated in the project:

Planetary Health Project

Advisory Board Members

Ryoka Imai (Associate Director, Public Affairs, Market Access, Public Affairs & Patient Experience, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited)
Masahiro Kaminota (Director-General, Environmental Health Department, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of the Environment)
Eiji Hinoshita (Assistant Minister for Global Health and Welfare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
So Sugawara (Representative Director, Green innovation)
Yasuhiko Suzuki (Distinguished Professor, Hokkaido University; Professor, International Institute for Zoonosis Control Division of Bioresources, Hokkaido University)
Keiko Nakamura (Professor, Department of Global Health Entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences (Medicine), Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Masahiro Hashizume (Professor, Department of Global Health Policy, School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
Hidekazu Hosokawa (Executive Director, Japan Medical Association)
Yusuke Matsuo (Director, Business Task Force, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)
Yutaka Mitsutake (Director, Japan Sustainability, AstraZeneca K.K.)
Hiroya Yamano (Director, Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Chiho Watanabe (Dean, Interfaculty Initiative in Planetary Health; Professor / School of Tropical Medicine and GlobalHealth, Nagasaki University)


Akiyo Kizawa (Executive Officer, Japanese Nursing Association (JNA))

Guest Speaker

Naoko Yamamoto (Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, International University of Health and Welfare/Former Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage/Healthier Populations, World Health Organization)


The project has been sponsored by the following companies:

Project sponsors (in Japanese syllabary order)

AstraZeneca K.K.
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited


* This report is based on discussions at each of the meetings HGPI held for this project and has been compiled in HGPI’s capacity as an independent health policy think-tank. It does not, in any capacity, represent the opinions of any participating expert, speaker, related party, or organization to which those parties are affiliated. This report is copyright 2023 Health and Global Policy Institute.

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