Report Research & Recommendations

[Activity Report] Project Report – HGPI Mental Health Policy Project to Assess State of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Use in Japan and Examine Systems for Contributing to the Future Dissemination of CBT and CBT-based Practices as Part of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Project (April 14, 2021)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) published a report of the project entitled “Assess State of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Use in Japan and Examine Systems for Contributing to the Future Dissemination of CBT and CBT-based Practices.” This project was conducted as part of the FY2020 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Project for the Promotion of Comprehensive Welfare for Persons with Disabilities (Third Stage).

CBT is a form of psychotherapy that aims to improve mood by modifying ways of thinking and behavior patterns to ones that are healthier or that lead to problem-solving. CBT is based on a cognitive-behavioral model in which mood and behavior are influenced by people’s perceptions (or cognition). It has been shown to be effective at treating and preventing the recurrence of various mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders, and has been recommended as a standard form of treatment in guidelines from both Japan and other countries.

We analyzed clinical data accumulated over ten years of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) CBT training programs and gathered from registered participants to measure the immediate and long-term ripple effects of those programs. Looking at aspects such as implementation status and effective use of CBT methods, we verified the effects of training programs and identified issues related to their successful delivery. We also conducted hearings with related parties and expert meetings to identify potential measures for the future dissemination of CBT from a broader perspective, and have summarized our records from those meetings.
Based on the research, analysis, and discussion described above, we generated recommendations on the future dissemination of CBT and support methods based on CBT concepts.

This project report is published in Japanese only.

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[Activity Report] HGPI Mental Health Policy Project to Assess State of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Use in Japan and Examine Systems for Contributing to the Future Dissemination of CBT and CBT-based Practices as Part of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Project

[Event Report] Mental Health Policy Project Expert Meetings Held on Assessing the State of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Use in Japan and Examine Systems for Contributing to the Future Dissemination of CBT and CBT-based Practices (First meeting: February 12, 2021. Second meeting: February 18, 2021)

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