[Announcement] Participation in an International Survey on Brain Health for Young People “The Next Generation (NextGen) Brain Health Research Program” (July 1, 2024)
date : 7/1/2024
Tags: Dementia
Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Dementia Policy Project has joined as a collaborator in The Next Generation (NextGen) Brain Health Research Program. This program is led by researchers Francesca Farina and Laura Booi from the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), with support from next-generation working groups comprising of members from Europe, North America, and Africa.
The NextGen Brain Health Research Program is an international research project investigating brain health and exposure to risk factors among young adults aged 18-39 years. It aims to identify risk and resilience factors related to brain health, and to enable future interventions for dementia prevention. To achieve prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment at all stages of dementia, it is crucial to deepen our understanding of dementia and to be aware of one’s own brain health from an early age. This project particularly aims to raise awareness and promote understanding of these perspectives among younger generations.
HGPI Dementia Policy Project agreed with these objectives and decided to participate in order to voice out the responses of young adults in Japan in this project.
Anyone aged between 18 and 39 years can participate.
Please respond using the link below.
Next Generation Brain Health survey (qualtrics.com)
*Japanese language option available
*Currently no response deadline
For more details about the survey, please visit the link below. *English only
NextGen – Prevent Dementia
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