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[Policy Recommendations] Building a Research and Development System Together With People Living with Dementia and Their Families to Drive Parallel Progress in Creating an Inclusive Society and Advancing R&D (April 25, 2023)

[Policy Recommendations] Building a Research and Development System Together With People Living with Dementia and Their Families to Drive Parallel Progress in Creating an Inclusive Society and Advancing R&D (April 25, 2023)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) presented the policy recommendations entitled “Building a Research and Development System Together With People Living with Dementia and Their Families to Drive Parallel Progress in Creating an Inclusive Society and Advancing R&D.” The recommendations were complied by HGPI independently based on discussions of Roundtable Discussions and Symposium we held this year. For details, please see the PDFs linked below.


Overview of Policy Recommendations ”Building a Research and Development System Together With People Living with Dementia and Their Families to Drive Parallel Progress in Creating an Inclusive Society and Advancing R&D”


To achieve innovations in dementia that are based on the needs of people living with dementia, their families, and citizens, a collaborative platform centered on civil society should be established.

Anticipated features for the collaborative platform:

  1. Features that promote Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and PPI-centered development
  2. Features that provide suitable support and easy access to information regarding research programs to all participants
  3. “Participant first” and “Family first” features that provide access to care through research program participation
  4. Features that enable two-way feedback among participants and researchers after research programs are concluded and that create communities that last
  5. Features that allow opinions on and evaluations of innovations that have been introduced to be accumulated and utilized to contribute to further improvements

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