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[Survey Closed] Your Opinion Matters! The “Rebalancing Healthcare Systems: Innovation and Sustainability” Series 2019 Survey

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Thank you for taking the time to complete our online survey regarding your view on the “Rebalancing Healthcare Systems: Innovation and Sustainability” Series. We closed the survey on February 15. We will be using your comments to make improvements to this series in the future. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation with our survey.

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As we approach FY2019, HGPI is currently considering what topics could help advance policy discussions over the next fiscal year on the theme of sustainability and innovation in the Japanese healthcare system.
HGPI would sincerely appreciate your cooperation with a brief survey we have prepared in relation to that theme.
The survey is 8 questions long. We expect it will take about 5 minutes to complete.
We very much hope to incorporate a wide range of opinions into our FY2019 projects. We look forward to receiving your response to this survey. Thank you very much.

>>The survey can be accessed here
(the survey page will close on February 15(Fri.))

If you are unable to access the survey via the above link, please reach out to We would be happy to send you the survey via e-mail.

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