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[In the Media] HGPI Booklet For Guardians and Nursery Teachers Offers Promise for Prevention of Depression and Psychiatric Disorders (Health and Welfare, No. 6796; March 3, 2023)

[In the Media] HGPI Booklet For Guardians and Nursery Teachers Offers Promise for Prevention of Depression and Psychiatric Disorders (Health and Welfare, No. 6796; March 3, 2023)

An introduction of the family mental health booklet titled, “Nurturing Child and Guardian Mental Health through Our Communication with Children” was published by HGPI. The booklet was created as part of an initiative titled “Improving Mental Health Literacy Among Kindergarten Teachers, Nursery Teachers, and Other Preschool Child Care Providers” conducted by the Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) Children’s Health Project in FY2022. The article also featured an introduction of the project’s policy recommendations titled, “Strengthening Mental Health Care for Kindergarten Teachers, Nursery School Teachers, Other Child Care Providers and Parents and Guardians of Preschoolers.”

In the article, HGPI Manager Mr. Shunichiro Kurita commented on the objectives of the policy recommendations, saying, “Our goal was to see the psychological burden that is placed on guardians shared throughout society so it is not forced onto child-rearing households.”

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