Report Lectures & Media

[Event Report] The 20th Special Breakfast Meeting “New Partnerships in Global Health -Innovative Approaches of USAID-“

[Event Report] The 20th Special Breakfast Meeting “New Partnerships in Global Health -Innovative Approaches of USAID-“
Our Institute held a special breakfast meeting on January 9th, 2013. This time, we welcomed Dr. Jay Singh, Development Counselor at the Tokyo office of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

USAID carries out projects in development arena in cooperation with various players such as corporations and NGOs. It is an American governmental agency, however it not only runs projects concerning domestic US business but in fact also carries out projects that create partnerships with Japanese businesses.

USAID implements diverse types of collaborative activities with various players to demonstrate the unique and innovative approaches that USAID is taking. As well as these approaches, today we also heard about the methods and vision of USAID and the possibilities of new partnerships in the development and particularly global health fields.

Public-private partnerships in the field of global health in Japan are currently becoming increasingly active, and partnerships by various players are drawing attention. Under these circumstances, active discussion was continued even after the meeting,

“New Partnerships in Global Health -Innovative Approaches of USAID-“

Dr. Jay Singh, Development Counselor at USAID (the United States Agency for International Development)

■Date and Time
January 9th, 2013  8:00-9:15

Kensington Terrace, Hotel Okura Tokyo

Exhibition date:2013-01-09

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