Report Lectures & Media

Discussion with the Swedish Delegation on Health Policy and Elderly Care Policy

Discussion with the Swedish Delegation on Health Policy and Elderly Care Policy
In cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden, a delegation from the Stockholm County Council Assembly visited HGPI during their visit to Japan.

Delegation leader Mr.Torbjörn Rosdahl, Stockholm County Commissioner for Financial Affairs, together with Ms.Filippa Reinfeldt, Stockholm County Commissioner for Medical Care and also wife of the current Prime Minister of Sweden, met with HGPI Executive Director Ms.Hiromi Murakami and HGPI Director Mr.Ryoji Noritake for an exchange of opinions concerning such topics as aging populations in Japan’s urban areas, Sweden’s senior care system and outcomes measurement, the need for home care, declining birthrates, and others. At Health Policy Summit 2011, HGPI held a panel discussion on communities in an aging society, and the Institute is active in making policy recommendations in this field.
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