Report Lectures & Media

Extraordinary Breakfast Meeting with special guest Mr. Michel Sidibé

Extraordinary Breakfast Meeting with special guest Mr. Michel Sidibé
An Extraordinary Breakfast Meeting was held September 3, 2010, with special guest Mr. Michel Sidibé, United Nations Under Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). After Mr. Sidibé spoke on themes such as Japan’s needed future contributions in the global health arena, and the necessity for cooperation between international organizations and the private sector, he participated in a lively exchange of information and opinions with invitees. Health Policy Institute, Japan looks forward to continuing its close cooperation with UNAIDS.
(Photo: Mr. Sidibé awarded a special medal to Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Chairman of Health Policy Institute, Japan, in recognition of his efforts to promote greater awareness of global health issues including HIV/AIDS.)

Exhibition date:2010-09-03

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