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[Event Report] The Second Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC) (April 27, 2020)

[Event Report] The Second Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC) (April 27, 2020)

Nikkei Inc. and AMR Alliance Japan (Secretariat: Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)) jointly held the Second Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC).

At this Second sub-committee, participants from academia, the Government, industry and civil society discussed potential policy options to ensure sustainable research and development (R&D) for antimicrobials.

Participants will continue to discuss the state of the antimicrobial market in working groups toward the eventual formulation of a concrete proposal on ways to incentivize antimicrobial R&D in the future.

In light of the situation with novel coronavirus, this event was carried out online.


Date and time: Monday, April 27, 2020
Organizer: AMR Alliance Japan (Secretariat: HGPI)

Greetings and Opening Remarks
Mitsuru Miyata (Adviser, Medical and Healthcare Division, Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.)
Kazuhiro Tateda (President, The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases / President, The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology / Professor, Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Toho University)
Ryoji Noritake (AMR Alliance Japan Secretariat / CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute)

Presentations from Working Groups
WG 1: Defining and Categorizing Pull Incentives
Yasunori Tawaragi (Director, International Affairs, Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)
Shoji Miyagawa (Director, Division of Basic Medical Research, Department of Basic Medical Research, The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED))
Akihiko Fujie (Division of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Department of Innovative Drug Discovery and Development, The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED))

WG 2: Collecting and Creating Data for Policy Debate
Keiji Hirai (Advisor, Kyorin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
Yoshisaburo Takahashi (General Manager, Vaccine/Infections Dept., Meiji Seika Pharma Co., Ltd.)

WG 3: Identifying Stakeholders
Matt McEnany (AMR Alliance Japan Secretariat/Manager, Health and Global Policy Institute)

Ryoji Noritake (AMR Alliance Japan Secretariat / CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute)

Ryoji Noritake (AMR Alliance Japan Secretariat / CEO, Board Member, Health and Global Policy Institute)


■Related events held as part of the “The Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)” project in and after FY2019 (chronological order)

January 22, 2020 The First Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)

March 11, 2020 The First Meeting of Working Group 1 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)

March 19, 2020 The Second Meeting of Working Group 1 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)

March 24, 2020 The First Meeting of Working Group 2 Under the Sub-committee on AMR of the Nikkei Asia Africa Conference on Communicable Diseases – Asia Africa Medical Innovation Consortium (AMIC)

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