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[Event Report] Health Policy Academy, Health Policy 101: Session 1″The Basics of Health Policy” (April 18, 2018)

[Event Report] Health Policy Academy, Health Policy 101: Session 1″The Basics of Health Policy” (April 18, 2018)
We held Health Policy 101 Session*.
Health and Global Policy Institute offers a program entitled Health Policy 101, for people who would like to gain basic knowledge of the Health Policy. With the program students will be able to learn the essentials of the health policy.
In the face of changing population demographics, constant health technology advances, and rising healthcare costs, health policy in Japan is now more interesting than ever. Yet, there remains confusion around how and what exactly health policy is and few programs offer a comprehensive overview of this important topic.
To respond to this need, we began the Health Policy Academy. 
Session 1: The Basics of Health Policy
Session 2: The History of Health Policy 
Session 3: The Health Policy Decision-making Process
Session 4: Drugs: Problems and Prospects 
Session 5: Community Medicine
Session 6: Future Prospects for the Healthcare Field
* Please note that this program is available in Japanese only.
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