Report Research & Recommendations

[Activity Report] Implementation of the “International comparison of dementia policies, research study on information dissemination.” (June 8, 2023)

[Activity Report] Implementation of the “International comparison of dementia policies, research study on information dissemination.”  (June 8, 2023)

Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI) has implemented a project entitled “International comparison of dementia policies, research study on information dissemination.” This project was selected as an “FY2023 Elderly Healthcare Promotion Project” (Elderly Healthcare Project Promotion Subsidy).

In this project, a basic survey will be conducted mainly on the policy documents published by each country, and a detailed survey will be conducted on the latest information and initiatives of each country’s dementia policy, mainly through a questionnaire survey, in order to obtain an overview and characteristics of each country’s dementia policy and the state of involvement of stakeholders in the formulation and evaluation of the national strategy. Furthermore, based on the results of the survey, the achievements and significance of Japan’s initiatives will be reviewed, and the way forward for promoting the dissemination of information on Japan’s dementia policies to the international community will be discussed, considering the trends and characteristics of information dissemination in each country.


>>For further details, please see the following link.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: FY2023 Elderly Healthcare Promotion Project, Summary of Projects Selected (initial consultation).
*Available only in Japanese.

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