Report Lectures & Media

[Activity Report] Renewal of the NCD Alliance Japan website

[Activity Report] Renewal of the NCD Alliance Japan website

NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), cancers, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, as well as mental and neurological disorders have become the leading cause of death worldwide.
NCD Alliance Japan has served since 2013 as Japan’s point-of-contact for the NCD Alliance, a collaborative platform for civil society organizations in the NCD community. The Alliance provides a level playing field for multi-stakeholder discussion, disseminating both at home and abroad the vital role played by civil society in the fight against NCDs. To further advance comprehensive, cross-cutting NCD measures, the decision was made in October 2019 to renew NCD Alliance Japan and to reinitiate its activities.

As a part of these efforts, we renewed the NCD Alliance Japan website in November 2019.
We will introduce the activities of NCD Alliance Japan and provide basic information about NCDs and major policies in Japan and overseas to raise the Japanese public’s awareness of NCDs on the website.
We kindly ask for your patience and support as we continue to further develop its content and enhance its clarity.

*NCD Alliance Japan is granted permission to use the word “NCD” by National Clinical Database.

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