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[In the Media] Comparative Study of Dementia Ordinances Conducted on 11 Municipalities; Policy Recommendations Issued (Regional government newspaper Jichi Nippo, March 26, 2021)

[In the Media] Comparative Study of Dementia Ordinances Conducted on 11 Municipalities; Policy Recommendations Issued (Regional government newspaper Jichi Nippo, March 26, 2021)

The interim report and recommendations entitled, “Steps Toward Regulations for Dementia That Achieve Citizen-Centered Dementia Policy” released by the Comparative Research Group on Local Regulations for Dementia, which is co-hosted by the Health and Global Policy Institute and Designing for Dementia, was introduced on page 3 of the March 26 issue of Jichi Nippo, a newspaper specializing in regional government.

The article can be accessed here.
*Available only in Japanese.

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