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Announcement of New Board Members

Thank you for your continued support of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI).
In order to further strengthen and expand the future activities of HGPI, Dr. Yusuke Tsugawa (Assistant Professor, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)) , Prof. Satoko Hotta (Professor, Graduate School of Health Management, Keio University) , and Mr. Ryoji Noritake (President, HGPI) were appointed as Board Members at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 2, 2018. Mr. Noritake will also continue to contribute to HGPI as President.

In regards to this transition, Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Chairman of HGPI, remarked, “Looking to the future, it is my hope that HGPI continues to expand its range of activities, serving as a place where young minds full of energy and drive take action and spread their wings into the world. To that end, I would like to ask for everyone’s continued support.”

Thus with this renewed structure, HGPI looks forward to working even harder to develop and strengthen Japanese civil society. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued support.

■Board of Directors (As of October 3)

  • Kiyoshi Kurokawa(Chairman)
  • Hiroaki Yoshida(Vice Chairman)
  • Kohei Onozaki(Board Member)
  • Yusuke Tsugawa(Board Member)
  • Ryozo Nagai(Board Member)
  • Ryoji Noritake(Board Member)
  • Satoko Hotta(Board Member)
  • Shinsuke Muto(Board Member)
  • Tsuyoshi Dai(Auditor)
  • Kenji Maekawa(Auditor)

* Names highlighted in underline represent new Board Members.
** With the exception of Ryoji Noritake, Board Members serve part-time and pro bono.

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