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HGPI was ranked 6th global health policy think tank worldwide

HGPI was ranked 6th among global health policy think tanks worldwide in University of Pennsylvania’s 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report, published January 2016. HGPI has been in the ranking for seven consecutive years placing HGPI amongst leading policy organizations.

Global Health Policy: 6th in the world (previously 8th)
Domestic Health Policy: 15th in the world (previously 19th)*
HGPI is the 1st in Asia and the only think tank in Japan to be included in this ranking.

We appreciate your continued support of HGPI.

* “Domestic health policy” refers to the particular think tank’s countries health policy.

Top Global Health Policy Think Tanks (2015)

1. Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research(CCHSR)(United Kingdom)
2. Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Centers(JHSPH)(United States)
3. Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS)(United States)
4. Brookings Institution(United States)
5. RAND Corporation(United States)
6. Health and Global Policy Institute(HGPI)(Japan)
7. Fraser Institute(Canada)
8. Council on Foreign Relations, Global Health Program(CFR)(United States)
9. Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy(KPIHP)(United States)
10. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research(AEI)(United States)

Top Domestic Health Policy Think Tanks (2015)

1. Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research(CCHSR)(United Kingdom)
2. Bloomberg School of Public Health Research Centers(JHSPH)(United States)
3. RAND Corporation(United States)
4. Brookings Institution(United States)
5. Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy(KPIHP)(United States)
6. Fraser Institute(Canada)
7. Center for American Progress(CAP)(United States)
8. Mathematica Policy Research(MPR)(United States)
9. Cato Institute(United States)
10. Urban Institute(United States)
11. National Bureau of Economic Research(NBER)(United States)
12. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research(AEI)(United States)
13. Heritage Foundation(United States)
14. Council on Foreign Relations, Global Health Program(CFR)(United States)
15. Health and Global Policy Institute(HGPI)(Japan)                    
16. Center for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS)(United States)

*” 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” can be downloaded from this page.

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