Report Lectures & Media

(Event Report)Health Policy Academy, Health Policy 101:Session 4

Health Policy Academy, Health Policy 101
*This program is available in Japanese only.

The fourth session of Health Policy Academy: Health Policy 101 was held on January 21, 2016. This session’s topic was “Is Healthcare in Japan Sustainable?”
In the lecture, a variety of issues regarding healthcare sustainability, including human resources, financial resources, infrastructure as well as ageing communities was presented. With participants from a raft of different professions, the discussion centered around how healthcare and society can be made sustainable from multiple perspectives.

・Kohei Onozaki, HGPI Board Member and President
・Toshio Miyata, HGPI Executive Director

Schedules for Lectures
*Please note this program is available in Japanese only.

Session 1: Health policy basics
・What is health policy?
・Health care players
・Health policy making process
・Urgent health policy issues in 2015

Session 2: Health policy in the news
・Health system history in numbers
・Post-war health policy in the media
・Health policy’s effect on society
・How flexible is health policy to change?

Session 3: Cross-national comparison of Japan’s health care system

・Japanese health care system and Europe
・Characteristics of Japanese health care system
・Global health policy issues
Session 4: Is healthcare in Japan sustainable?
・The transition of the total cost of social security and of the detail of it after the war
・Factors of increasing healthcare cost
・Three perspectives on healthcare sustainability

Session 5: Health care players
・Power balance in the health care industry
・Government actors in health policy
・Health policy and politics
・Stakeholders in health care

Session 6: Tips for future health policy
・Reading government materials
・Five sources for health policy information
・Healthcare in 20 years

Health and Global Policy Institute plans to offer a third series starting April 2016. 
lease contact us at

Exhibition date:2016-01-21

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