Report Lectures & Media

[In the Media] “No Time to Lose in Tackling Dementia: How Should Medicine and Big Pharma Address This Global Challenge?” (Nikkei-Gooday)

This article featured a conversation between Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Member of the G7 World Dementia Council, and Mr. Joji Nakayama, Representative Director, President & CEO of Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.

For full article:
“No Time to Lose in Tackling Dementia: How Should Medicine and Big Pharma Address This Global Challenge?”  (Nikkei-Gooday)
*Available only in Japanese.

Dementia is increasingly becoming an issue around the world. OECD and HGPI co-organized a Private Sector Side Meeting alongside the G7 Global Dementia Legacy Event organized by the Japanese Government in November 2014 in Tokyo.
For more information;
Taking Action on Dementia: Opportunities for Social Investment- A G7 Global Dementia Legacy Event Private Sector Side Meeting

HGPI followed up by submitting a policy recommendation. Later the National Strategy of Dementia was revised and released as what is called the New Orange plan in January 2015 moving dementia policy forward.

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