Report Lectures & Media

10th Special Breakfast Conference Report

10th Special Breakfast Conference Report
On June 8, 2011, HGPI hosted a special breakfast conference in regards to its advisors, sponsors, and contributing experts. Hiroya Masuda, Governor of Iwate prefecture from 1997-2007 and former Minister of Internal Affairs, honored the conference with a speech. He spoke about the current situation in the Iwate Prefecture, focusing on damaged medical facilities and the status of shelters. In regards to future policies, the sharing of data and collecting observations is key. His idealized vision for the creation of these crucial policies involves vigorous and centralized discussion among all knowledgeable parties. Medical cooperation efforts aimed at reconstruction, medical information initiatives, promotion of remote medical care, and implementing medical IT requires support beyond cooperation from all voices wanting to be heard.

Exhibition date:2011-06-08

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