[In the media] Support youth entrepreneurship of Health and IT; Healthtech Women Japan O ...>>
[In the media] About 90% of Respondents were unaware of the Self-medication Tax deductio ...>>
[In the media] The levels of health literacy were associated with work performance (Huma ...>>
[In the Media] Healthtech Women Japan Official Launch Party (Nikkei Shinbun, March 9, 20 ...>>
[In the media] 75% of respondents trust pharmacists (PHARMACY NEWSBREAK,February 8, 2018 ...>>
[In the media] Less than half of respondents were satisfied with the healthcare system ( ...>>
[In the media] 2017 Public Survey on Healthcare in Japan (Nikkei Shimbun and more, Janua ...>>
[In the media] More than half nations seem to be dissatisfied with the self-pay burden o ...>>
[In the media] Make a Blueprint by Science and Technology (NIKKEI SHINBUN, January 15, 2 ...>>