About HGPI Experts

Kyoko Ama

Fellow, Health and Global Policy Institute

Ms. Kyoko Ama was born in Tokyo in 1974. In April 2007, Ms. Ama established association with the goal of improving the state of care for infants and young children by disseminating information on child and infant care to parents and guardians. The association became a general incorporated association called “Shiro Shoni Iryo Mamoro Kodomo-tachi” in July 2012. It was dissolved on April 30, 2020. Ms. Ama also teaches childcare and childrearing as a part-time lecturer in a non-degree graduate program on early childhood education at Tokyo Rissho Junior College. She is the mother of three children. She has served on many committees in the past, in positions including Member, Roundtable on Promoting the Effective Use of Healthcare, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW); Member, Study Group on Structuring Emergency and Disaster Healthcare Provision Systems, MHLW; Member, Study Group on Structuring Emergency Services, Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC); Member, Study Group on Emergency Services, Tokyo Fire Department; Member, Council on Pediatric Care, Tokyo Metropolitan Government; and Member, Council for Promoting Public Awareness for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Countermeasures, Cabinet Secretariat. She currently serves as a member of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Liaison and Coordination Committee for Revision of the Model Core Curriculum for Nursing Education and as the leader of the “Children and Healthcare” initiative.
